Just seen this on Pinside: -
Just got this response from the FBI detective on the case. Or, I should say, off the case.
Thank you for your email. After a thorough investigation into the activities, communications, and financials of Mr. Kulek, and his business Skit-B, it was determined that no criminal wrong doing had occurred. As I’m aware you’ve been informed, Mr. Kulek was interviewed by both local law enforcement and the FBI regarding the various aspects of the “
Predator Pinball” allegations. It was identified that Skit-B had made efforts to fulfill the requests of its purchasers, but had failed to obtain appropriate licensing in a timely matter to allow for delivery as soon as customers had desired. Based on the information provided to law enforcement, customers who have requested reimbursement through PayPal were made whole. Further, there was no evidence to show Kulek, Skit-B, or anyone, misused or misappropriated funds obtained from buyers for anything other than the research, development and initial startup costs associated with the
Predator pinball gaming platform. At this time Skit-B continues to work with the legal right holders to correct any licensing issues in the hope of eventually delivering on their product. The FBI has concluded its investigation into this allegation and no further investigative steps will be taken at this time.
If you believe you are not receiving an adequate response from Skit-B, or PayPal, regarding your request for reimbursement you may want to contact to civil attorney and file suit for the purpose of redemption of your funds.
What a crock!! No criminal wrong doing!?!? He never EVER had a license. He blatantly lied to get money out of people!