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Indy looks lovely but its a bitch.


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10 Years
Feb 10, 2012
Have a nice looking Ij but its trying my patientce as I go from fault to fault.
my latest woes.
ball goes into mode saucer, sometimes it reacts and gives me a challenge, other times just sits there till ball find ejects it. Switch edge test says its working fine with a finger or a ball every time but still it sometimes doesnt work.

2 balls to start your game sir. Seems to be well documented about trough opto issues but mine seem to be working, i can see them on through a camera, they all work in switch edge tests. Ive re flowed solder, ive pulled hair out. Again its not every game but enough to drive you nuts.

single drop target protecting the captive ball, this is the only error i get at startup. 2 coils 1 switch. Both coils work, one to reset and one to knock it down when games reqs. The switch registers the target is down, so whats the fault?? One thing I have noticed that during a game a coil is firing to do with this, you can see the target twitching. Is it the up coil or down coil? I can send the target up and down all day in coil tests.

Fuse 108 GI keeps blowing.

any advice guys?

Roms say rev L-2, sound rev L-1
So maybe an update may help? As rev-7 is available
I bet the 2 ball launch thing is the idol trap door getting jammed up. Either the spring is binding it, or the door plastic is catching as it rises when activated.

F108 blowing is most likely a short on a bulb socket or a wire has come loose from a GI bulb and is touching ground

I recently had a drop target issue that was eerily similar. Solved by changing out the coil and the high power TIP36c transistor at Q78 (i did all of the high power transistors to save on future issues) on the driver board.

The mode start could be a dodgy microswitch not always making contact although i have yet to have that perticular issue with mine (i pray for your soul if you ever get the POA alignment nightmare)...Hope that helps somewhat.
Cheers rus
the trap door gate seems to be working fine, how would this affect the start ball launch if it was??
ive just read the gi fuses can also go due to loose holders as well. It doesnt blow straight away, perhaps i should time it. Will checkbit and get the meter out looking for shorts on the holders.

was your transistor showing as being faulty or just thought what the hell?

poa nightmare, crap. Shhh thats working...... At the mo:behindsofa:
The door on mine hung in the up position every now and then. The idol would spin a few times unable to release a ball then the game would spit out two balls onto the playfield.

The transistor thing came about after a reset issue caused me to replace the bridge rectifiers. After refitting the driver board, the drop target problem arose which had the same symptoms as you describe. The only thing different was that whilst i was testing mine the coil locked on and started to smoke.
They are know to be pains in the butt Cal, lots of "new improved" ways of doing things were introduced with this pin.
Going to change the 8 transistors and update my software first and see what that brings to the party.
My 108 fuse holder is loose by the way so will re solder when changing the trannys. Heck while the boards out my as well do the bridges and caps as well
had my ij for 4 years now, no major problems, i did have the continuous 6 ball all being launched,turned out to be the 3/4 amp fuse had blown, f115 i think, this fuse has something to do with the optos in the trough, worth a look,
Cheers Jagman, apart from that gi fuse all are ok. The stoopid thing is working in test mode but still insists the first game of the day needs a two ball start. Ive ordered the latest roms to see what that brings to the party as its running ver 2 which was probably near the time of release. I may look for a revision sheet to see what bugs each new one got rid of.
For info

U6: Version L-7
Date: November 22, 1993
Changes from revision L-6:
Added a delay on switching the mini-playfield motor direction to help keep the motor from fatiguing.
Lengthened the firing time on the Path of Adventure up/down post coil.
Lengthened the firing time on the underplayfield trough post coil.

U6: Version L-6
Date: October 13, 1993
Changes from revision L-5:
Latest sound version is L-3. (U2 checksum: 8F00)
Updated pricing modes to enable $1.00 play.
Fixed a problem in the "complete all modes" that could cause the mini playfield shots to not be collectable.
The Gun Trigger would not allow buy-in if player tilted on the last ball. (NOTE: The Gun Trigger does not normally cause buy-in; it must be set that way by adjustment.)
Drop targets are no longer cycled when the coin door is open. This prevents them from being marked bad because the interlock switch is open.
Fixed the third pass of Choose Wisely, which moved very slowly.

U6: Version L-5
Date: September 2, 1993
Changes from revision L-4:
This version allows use of French Text. (A.2 21 Language can now be set to French.)

U6: Version L-4
Date: August 3, 1993
Changes from revision L-3:
This version of software MUST be used with version L-2 (or later) of the sound software. (U2 checksum: 9900)
Enhanced ball search on the popper.

U6: Version L-3
Date: July 22, 1993
Changes from revision L-2:
Changed plane sounds on the hurry up mode.
Changed logic on the diverter after jackpot collected.

U6: Version L-2
Date: July 17, 1993
Changes from revision L-1:
Slowed down the blink rate on the buy-in button lamp.

U6: Version L-1
Date: July 16, 1993
Changes from revision P-4:
Initial release to production.
Added some light shows.

U6: Version P-4
Date: July 13, 1993
Changes from revision P-3:
Added buy-in.
Added a bunch of adjustments.
Added translations.
Added light shows and effects.
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