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If Chuck Norris made pinball ....

Sgt GrizZ

Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Ex PinballInfo Admin . MIA Brighton Hove beach
It would prob look like this
Just picked up this morning - non worker at mo but that will be sorted out.

Sgt_GrizZ has been looking to add this to the ranks for some time :cool:

That thing looks cool, you gonna take it to the Slam? Loving the in line drop targets with the tank pictures on
I genuinely believe that would even have Chuck Norris running for cover - you better watch yourself when you fire that bad boy up!
Sgt Grizz, very apt table. :-) I don't know who is scarier, the guy with the cold stare and the M16 or the crazy beard guy with the knife!
They have a distinct look alright, a bit like the blow up dolls in Only Fools and horses :-) First I've seen of a his or her backglass and I like it!
Thory' date=' post: 1690281 said:
They have a distinct look alright, a bit like the blow up dolls in Only Fools and horses
First I've seen of a his or her backglass and I like it!

Ah propane filled beauties. Best bang for yer buck.....lol (great episode, funnily enough watched over chrimbly)
With many thanks to Simon on here who loaned me some working boards ......Special Force is finally ready for action !! :cool: Got displays in today, and with some repair to flipper etc got to play some games. Still some work to be done but ..... Boom !! Dropping bombs on jungle huts is just so much fun

Shame I just didn't have an extra day or 2 before the Slam or it might of made it along.


Well done on getting it up and working.

If it had made it to the slam it might have taken the title for ugly pin off of Poi's Volcano, "Only kiddin" Now that Volcano is a ugly pin. Pretty cool backglass though. Sorry Chris.
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