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I need some therapy


10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Just sold a machine and got down to by running level so can have all the machines set up. Then a machine comes up fairly local and I go and buy it :eek::cuckoo:

If someone sets up a treatment center for pinball owners I think they will make a fortune !!
Just sold a machine and got down to by running level so can have all the machines set up. Then a machine comes up fairly local and I go and buy it :eek::cuckoo:

If someone sets up a treatment center for pinball owners I think they will make a fortune !!

What new toy ya got Tony?? :D
What new toy ya got Tony?? :D

STTNG. Had one years ago so quite glad to get another. Wife can't understand why I would sell a STLE and then go out and buy another Star Trek. Just smiled at her as couldn't think of a decent answer.
Which do you prefer? STTNG or STLE?

Next time you're overloaded and need somewhere to store TRON; please do let me know :wave:
+1 on needing therapy.

This time last year I owned 2 machines...convinced myself that 3 was my absolute limit.

Now I own 8 machines, with 3 NIB preorders :cuckoo:
I sold my first machine (as in first sale, not my first purchased machine) earlier this year due to space issues.

Have since bought two machines to replace it....

I have room for about 7 setup, but currently have 11 machines....... must sell a few,or loan them out i guess
Which do you prefer? STTNG or STLE?

Next time you're overloaded and need somewhere to store TRON; please do let me know :wave:

Not sure on which I prefer. However with the cost of STLE and not really getting into it, it was a no brainer to move on. STTNG I haven't had at home for around 10 years?? ( last one cost just over £700 and a trip to Holland to pick up a few pins and a vid) so be good to have a play on again. Think I can relate more to STTNG as a theme as watched most of the series. Theme is a big part of a machine for me that's why I am enjoying SWT :eek:

Don't think Tron will be moving anywhere for a long time.

Currently the pin space in the house is becoming temporary accommodation for an Xmas tree. Got to concede small things every now and then to appease the wife.
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