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I love Earthshaker

Lots of people did, and still do. AIR, the following Williams game, Black Knight 2000, failed to dislodge Earthshaker from top spot in the 'Replay' earnings chart.
Hi. I own a faulty Earthshaker! I am pretty sure something is incorrectly wired / wire missing in the backbox. Would some kind soul be able to send me a hi-definition photo of a wired-up Earthshaker! backbox, so I can see each connection / wire colour, please. It really would be an ENORMOUS help, since the manual doesn't correspond with the wirings in MY backbox.

I also made a video showing my Faulty Earthshaker, I know it's not the best, but it's my first/only attempt at making any sort of video. If anyone local to Blackpool (England) is in a position to help me solve this riddle, I would be HUGELY APPRECIATIVE.

Thank you so much for taking the trouble to share this photo. If there is a wire wrongly connected / missing in my Earthshaker! backbox, I doubt I will be able to find out using this photo, but I am appreciative all the same and will try to make comparisons.

You can also download the manual from IPD which on page about 105 gives a list of wire colours and connections, might take a bit of figuring out but you could work out what should be connected where.
If not post a thread in the help section
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Will you stop telling folk how effin marvellous Earthshaker is

I have been trying to find one for two years, but the ones I have seen have all been heavily worn
bought mine from offices of SPORT newspapers. was in there staff canteen . more colourful than whirlwind but whirlwind edges it due to being more challenging

ES nickname at williams was screw loosener as cynics including steve ritchie though the shaker would over time cause assemblies to fall off
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