stewart cook
Hi as a complete newbie what would you expect to pay for a pinball machine in a good working condition from the 1990s ? All the new games on e bay and the likes do seem very expensive. Thanks. Stew
Thanks for that IAs stated above, its best if you can narrow it down to a few titles you'd like to get then folks could give you an idea on the range they'd expect for each one.
If you're not sure which you want then I'd totally recommend visiting a show near you to see if any there particularly float your boat.
Next one on the calendar is the Northern Lights at Play Expo in Manchester in October I think, but I've seen a couple of ads for smaller local gatherings such as "Pinball at the Hall" and "The Not Another Birthday Party, Party" - Check the "Events" section on here for more details.
Wish I could do SWL but its just too far!