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How many pinball machines are there?


10 Years
Oct 7, 2012
Marlow on Thames, Bucks
My son just asked me a very simple question: how many pinball machines are there in the world?

IPDB says there are around 5000 different titles, each with a run of between 1 and 20,270 (TAF). So in total how many might there ever have been made. IF you reckon an average run of 1000 then that would make 5 million. Is 1000 a reasonable guess?

Then you have to guess what proportion of those ever made are still in existence. Anyone care to put a figure on that? 50%? (I don't really know if that includes ones that don't work stored in warehouses, or ones that have been partially dismantled.)

So anyone have any idea or care to speculate how many pinball machines may still exist? I'd be interested in what the consensus might be....


I don't even know EXACTLY how many are in my shed!

in 1999 I read a BACTA UK trade report that estimated 5000 pins in commercial use in UK but unlike fruits that need permits/licenses they could only guess

maybe someone well trusted on the forum could do a forum census lol . I could guess the most common games but interesting to see if any more Spookys and Superman(s) out there. folks could descretelly submit lists by PM to the compiler so no one putting themselves at risk of unwanted "is it for sale?" emails or lurking burglars LOL Step forward pinball Stato ..
5000 in commercial use? Really? That feels high to me. 5000 in total sounds even a stretch.
1999 not today . trade estimate. there are 60K pubs in UK so the fruit machine guesstamate seems about right considering all the seaside arcades on top. currently anyones guess but there are 500+ in the midlands at least
ah sorry, doh - didn't see that! :D I'd be surprised to find more than 4000 pins in the UK total.
I don't think that's a bad guess if talking about complete but not necessarily set up and working. commercially available id say sadly less than 500 which is why we should cherish our events. NLP could represent 1/5 of all pinball machines available for public play in the UK over the weekend - think of that!
But what about the whole world. Or lets make the question simpler. How may pinball machines do you reckon have ever been made, in total. Must be quite a few million that have been manufactured.
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