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Home leisure direct

Kenny Taylor

Jul 27, 2015
North East of Scotland
Why oh why are they so expensive. Is it because there is little competition or is it the time spent to turn round a machine for selling? Has anyone here bought a machine from them?
They're expensive because they can be and make sales at those prices. They have business costs to cover plus the warranty they offer but generally they're target market isn't pinball hobbyists. They sell to rich people who want a pin as a thing to have, who aren't really into the scene etc. If you want to buy pins from a retailer in the UK then you can't got wrong with Pinbal Heaven but if your after an older game that Phil doesn't carry and you don't want to buy privately then they're one of your options but you pay for the convenience. All IMHO of course :)
Would agree entirely with Mr Splooter. Just noticed that they've now listed the TZ I sold to them, but they don't seem to have done much to it. I was expecting they would re-decal it, or at least put new rubbers on the slingshots lol. Anyway, just shows that if you have the right contacts, doubling your money is easy :)
Pinball Heaven (or any reseller) will still be more expensive than buying privately from a hobbyist, but from what I have seen Pinball Heaven generally do restore the machines before reselling (and resellers will generally offer some delivery/setup service and warranty/repair period which may be of value if you're particularly new). Buyer beware with any sale though, even from a reseller it may be best visiting to get an accurate idea of the condition of the machine and any faults. Obviously if buying new-in-box this may not apply, but for a 20+ year old machine you have to expect a few knocks, dings and imperfections, so set your expectations accordingly, no matter what the price that is being asked.

Is there a particular machine you're after? Are you patient?! Welcome to the forums by the way :)
I suspect vat, warranty costs and labour costs explain the big prices charged by home leisure direct

Amateur sellers incur none of these
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