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Help solve a mystery. Can anyone rip a sound from a ROM on a DE?


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Oct 19, 2022
Hi guys

Is there anyone here who could help solve a mystery?

I have a WWF Royal Rumble, and PinSound. However, all of the PinSound packs have one of the music tracks labelled as "1218677520-macho_man_theme".

Except, it doesn't trigger using PinSound during gameplay.

After Googling this a year or so ago, and doing the same today, I made a thread on Pinside. A couple of people have said they have never been able to get the correct file name for this sound working either.

Therefore, is there anyone who can take my original board/sound ROM, rip it, and find out the proper name of the file?

I am also going to Pinfest too, if that helps.

Just had a cursory look through the original ROMs, doesn't look like the sound files are indexed with a name. Could obviously be obfuscated but don't think this is how it worked.
Do you have the sound pack, maybe there is a mapping in there? Can't be bothered to create an account at Pinsound...
I do but now at Pinfest but can upload when I'm back.

Thanks for looking by the way!

There is no mapping file, just a bunch of folders - and the name of the folder in question is "1218677520-macho_man_theme".

I might try putting another working .ogg file in there and seeing if that plays - but my guess is the number is off by a digit.
There needs to be something in the sound pack mapping sounds to (sound) events. Have never looked at PinSound before but happy to if you give me access.
Dont forget back in the day the sound roms of pinball games are tiny. A few MB.

You can make ALT_SOUND packages from original rom files using tools in the virtual pinball community. The ALT_SOUND packages used to work fine with Pinsound as well.

I did it with MM and changed the audio into snippets from Monty Python Holy Grail, and a friend used that on his pinsound with no errors.

For the life of me I can not even remember what these tools were called. But I would suggest looking on a few VP forums.
There needs to be something in the sound pack mapping sounds to (sound) events. Have never looked at PinSound before but happy to if you give me access.

Here is the .pspack file (I don't know what this actually is though. I have never got this to work, I always use the .zip of the sounds and that works with the exception of this Macho Man theme).

I've included the .zip file too for reference.

Is there a newer version of the sound pack? The current version of PS Studio says the format is deprecated and doesn't open it.
Seems the downloads at PS are old :-(.
Conversely, does someone have Pinball Sound Studio (not Pro)?
Yup, you beat me to it. This is the one from PinSound.

I have Studio Pro, and that worked on my old PC but won't on my new one. It just closes down when I load this sound pack.

I didn't know Sound Studio was different software.
Can you open the file you posted on your version of PSSP? I managed to find an old PSS where I can open the pack but that only allows me access to the sound files, not the mapping (or I haven't found it). PSSP seems to expose the latter but the file doesn't open...
Ah, I worked out why it was crashing. If I run as administrator, it works. (Windows 11, by the way).

So now I can open the pack. I'm doing some digging now...
OK, seems that the sound event is the number at the beginning of the file name. We would therefore need a recording of pin play where this should be played to see the event id. I saw reference that it only is showing events in the package in a recording which may turn this into a dead end but worth a shot. Is this being played when the original sound board is in?
OK, seems that the sound event is the number at the beginning of the file name. We would therefore need a recording of pin play where this should be played to see the event id. I saw reference that it only is showing events in the package in a recording which may turn this into a dead end but worth a shot. Is this being played when the original sound board is in?
Yes, it worked with the original board in.

I am using PSSP 24.05.04. I am not registered (I used to be, but I need PinSound to rereigster me now I'm using a new PC) so I can't start a psrec recording.

But, I shall do just that when I get registered and will get myself a hiscore (which is where this sound plays) and see what sound is trying to play at that point.
Ok, at the same time as "You're the new champion", the Macho Man theme should play. PinSound doesn't even try to do this. So I think this is a PinSound issue. I had a similar issue on T2 with a sound getting stuck "on" when it shouldn't have been, and PinSound identified the fault and release a firmware update and it was fine afterward. Hopefully, this is just as easily fixed.

I am raising a ticket with them now.
Do a mix maybe?
That thought had crossed my mind, but I want to get the original working properly for others too.

Once that's done, I am planning to design a proper legitimate mix with real music and real quotes from WWF TV (I have thousands of hours of it archived).

I then need to normalise all of the sound volumes so it doesn't sound off... but I digress... you could put this down to OCD!
Does it send both IDs to the sound board at “you’re the new champion”? Would suggest that the original board can mix sounds.
Yes, the original board mixed the sounds at the same time.

PinSound is not sending/registering the ID at all. I think it's a PinSound issue and something those guys need to fix (I think!).

Hopefully they'll come back confirming either way, or they'll tell me I'm wrong and it is something else. I've sent them the recording log... but at the moment, my working theory is the file name being wrong was a red herring.
If the ID isn’t sent you won’t hear it. Think the only way is a mix then. Given it has an ID I would expect it to be played at some point. Maybe ROM revision?
I understand that, but surely the ID not being sent is a PinSound issue?

It can't be ROM because it was working fine with the original board.
My understanding of how this work is that the CPU sends sound IDs to the sound board on the ribbon cable which are then played by the sound board. The original software should have a mapping from IDs to ROM space to facilitate that. PinSound is exposing this interface by allowing you to log the IDs requested (and thereby build an orchestration) and in the folder names which carry the ID in front.
So in your case the CPU should request both the champion and Macho Man sounds at the same time - the original sound board then plays both and mixes them. Are you sure that the champion sound doesn't include the Macho Man theme premixed?
Are you sure that the champion sound doesn't include the Macho Man theme premixed?
100% positive. I can play both independently from the sound files. They are not mixed in any way. Two separate files, two separate folders and they both play simultaneously when you get a highscore, with one only lasting 2 seconds and the other is like a minute or so.
OK, simultaneously as in mixed? Remember reading that the recordings only show available sounds (not sure if that is correct, you could easily check by renaming something).
Ah, what is your definition of mixed?

Mine is taking two separate audio files, and merging them into one. So I would take "You're the new champion" and put Macho Man's theme behind it. That will produce the same result and would be a workaround. I could do that in Audacity or Goldwave.

If you're saying "mix" as in, two separate sound files play at the same time, then yes, that is what happens on the original board and clearly is not what is happening here.
Yes, playing back two sound files at once. If the original board can do that I'd think PinSound should be able to do that as well. Clashes with the approach somewhat but hey. Maybe test if unknown sounds are indeed not mapped in the recordings, that way we'd know that it might just be missing in the recording.
Yes, it can and does play multiple sounds simultaneously. For example, background music and then call-outs.

How can I see in the recording if a sound isn't mapped? It's not there at all when I open it in PSSP.
I read in one of the threads on pinside that sounds without a proper folder aren't present in recordings - can't comment on validity as I can't check. Easiest way to figure this out would be to rename a common sound and do another recording - if it is then missing we know the assumption is correct. If you still have it in the recording though the theme should be there as well - whichever way, you probably need the PS guys to help out.
I read in one of the threads on pinside that sounds without a proper folder aren't present in recordings - can't comment on validity as I can't check. Easiest way to figure this out would be to rename a common sound and do another recording - if it is then missing we know the assumption is correct. If you still have it in the recording though the theme should be there as well - whichever way, you probably need the PS guys to help out.
Nothing from PinSound guys. I'll give them another couple of days.

I did what you suggested. I renamed the folder "0218084246-bret_hart" to "1234". It didn't play on my game, and didn't register at all in the recording.

So... I suppose it leaves the possibility that it could be the folder name afterall.

I really need PinSound to come back to me. This is driving me bonkers.
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