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Having issues with insider not connecting


Site Supporter
Oct 15, 2022
It’s all set up for a week now. Last couple of days if i leave the machine on a long time the wi-fi is findable but there is no signal . Initially reset everything and fine, left pin on all day today and tonight no signal yet it sees my wifi ?
Reset and power off done nothing.

I have the latest update - The game is GZ

Ethernet could be an option but would prefer no cables - plus i can’t seem to find the jack for it ?

Is this common or just me ?
There is nothing wrong with my wifi

just turned it on and although i had refound and connected again to my network last night , this morning it had lost everything on start up and just showed wired connection. i’ve reconnected and it’s now working again showing 48 on the strength even though the router is on the opposite side of the wall and i also have a booster 5m away

It’s clearly something wrong with the machine so just wondered if anyone else has this issue and how they have resolved it ?

I’ll leave it on now and check again this evening
Thanks for the options . i’ll try a different port. I take it so far no one has this issue with their stern ?
Is your booster using the same SSID? If so maybe your GZ is getting in a state flipping between the 2 different signals with the same SSID… I have had this with a booster causing problems, think it’s usually better to use a different SSID (I use a power line adapter but use a different SSID…. then I only set my Insider wifi to connect to that one as it’s closer than the main router).
do you mean 2.4 and 5 gz - mine is split because most devices like my printer , the smart sockets and hob extractor only work on 2.4 so i don’t connect to the 5gz. Plus the strength is crap even with the nighthawk extender so everything in the house is on 2.4 and i’ve also named the 5ghz channel 5ghrz so you know when connecting
Stern only support 2.4 but I’m talking about the SSID, ie. does your extender/booster have a different “name” to your router when you view available wifi?
ah, no , it’s all named the same. Same 2 frequencies just extended - god that would make things well complicated otherwise
some things dont like both 2.4 and 5G present even if they are separate (even to the point where you have to "switch off" the 5Ghz on first connection).

With regards to mobiles/pads and laptops, they wont hand off and having the same name could potentially cause issues.

If it was me i would rename the Extenders, and switch off the 5Ghz to see if you get the same issues.... how often does it disconnect?
ah, no , it’s all named the same. Same 2 frequencies just extended - god that would make things well complicated otherwise
Rename the extender one -should be trivial… same names is not good. No big deal once you’ve done it, just connect to one or both as required.
i really don’t think it’s the wi-fi . if you re read my post it’s something with the machine. Even resets and power offs didn’t solve the crash. worked fine all day then in the evening boom.

i don’t have any issues otherwise and named same to keep things simple ( like the missis view on tech )
Well if it’s the machine there’s nothing anyone here can do. Or if it’s the wifi then you could at least try fixing something that is known to cause problems…. unfortunately you’ve not “kept it simple” by keeping the same name, you’ve potentially caused a problem (however counter-intuitive that might seem).

How do you know what Stern does after hours of wifi flipping, perhaps it disables both wifi sources as unreliable and removes them from its connection list (quite likely). It’s 5 mins to change the SSID, why not try it and see?

Boosters/extenders can also be problematic and lose sync with the router which can cause them to lose the internet connection whilst still “visible” as wifi. Again, if it has a separate name/SSID this is easier to identify as you know for sure what you’re connecting to (router or extender).
Doing it now. would you mind pointing out if anything else needs adjusting. ?


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Question. Do I now need to connect the machine to both router and ext networks? and the devices will switch between accordingly ?I think this is why I didn't before as just the 1 network was showing and easier all round
ok, i think the wi-fi in the machine is really crap. my mac is 2m away in same room and has full signal, as does my phone and printer. the router is behind the wall and the ext 4m to the right .


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That does seem a little odd... but at least you have distinguished the router and the extender - if the signal strength for the extender is that poor (*) it could explain GZ cutting in and out or flipping from one to the other (and possibly getting in a mess or considering the wifi faulty)? I would now connect GZ to the main router that has the 2/3 signal and leave it on that to see how it goes - that eliminates the extender from your testing.

(*) it's really strange to be so weak if that's a straight line-of-sight 4m. A couple of sanity checks - if you hold your phone right by the GZ screen/backglass does it still have full strength signal from the extender? Given GZ has full strength from the printer wi-fi and good strength through the solid wall, that implies your GZ isn't exactly terrible... is the printer and Kooky Carnival in the way direct-line-of-sight of the extender?

Personally I had endless problems with extenders and gave up on them completely in the end and only user powerline adapters - given you have a good signal through the wall, do you actually need the extender?
PS. Another thing to try which I should have mentioned is to change the channel number on the 2.4GHz extender admin page - it looks greyed out but there must be a way to change that.. you could be getting interference. A quick Google says the optimal channels are 1, 6 or 11.
so i set up the extender to just extend what i already have so that devices can seamlessly transfer across to the booster when we are in the garden and upstairs without having to log into separate networks ( recent extension had a lot of celetex insulation installed and such needed a booster at the back of the house )

This is just mirroring the router channels , friends and family just have 1 network to find etc

The issue with the machine i reported was after being on all day and working fine it found the wi-fi and connected to it but the signal on the machine just read 0 yet it saw loads of networks ( even next door )

a power off , usb reset, re search all didn’t resolve it. still found all networks and connected but kept saying insider offline. it always sits at 49-51 on the signal, i’ve swapped over the usb port and now it read 46 / 47

today it’s worked fine all day
apologies if im not getting it, so now I have split the extender, Just noticed on my phone it picked the extender up as I kept the same passcode. So I assume this is the same as before but the SSID names are different?

I have a 10 year 1st edition mini iPad , put that by the translite and get full signal. I'll leave it as it is now and see how we go. Just to clarify, I don't need to enter the passcode for the 2.4hz SSId on my machine ? it will only be connected to the main router if I don't? It won't flip between them like my phone does ?

Checked the main router and there is no option to choose a channel so I assume that is why the extender is greyed out

That does seem a little odd... but at least you have distinguished the router and the extender - if the signal strength for the extender is that poor (*) it could explain GZ cutting in and out or flipping from one to the other (and possibly getting in a mess or considering the wifi faulty)? I would now connect GZ to the main router that has the 2/3 signal and leave it on that to see how it goes - that eliminates the extender from your testing.

(*) it's really strange to be so weak if that's a straight line-of-sight 4m. A couple of sanity checks - if you hold your phone right by the GZ screen/backglass does it still have full strength signal from the extender? Given GZ has full strength from the printer wi-fi and good strength through the solid wall, that implies your GZ isn't exactly terrible... is the printer and Kooky Carnival in the way direct-line-of-sight of the extender?

Personally I had endless problems with extenders and gave up on them completely in the end and only user powerline adapters - given you have a good signal through the wall, do you actually need the extender?
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Yes I would leave GZ just talking to router, don’t connect and enter password for the renamed extender SSID.

Sounds weird that your iPhone could connect to the newly named extender, not sure how that happens!

Should be a way to set the channel on the router, you might have selected an option like “automatically choose optimal channel” or something.

It’s all a bit of guesswork and elimination but at least if GZ is now only connected to the router we can see if you get the same problems or not 🤞
Thanks for all the help. Just when you think you know what you’re doing you get shown you don’t ….

Out of interest as i do have an ethernet port nearby, is there a hole in the machine to run a cable into it? i felt around it but couldn’t find anything
have you still got the GZ @SeikoKid ?

I'm having the same issue on my GZ Prem and wondering if I've picked up yours further down the line 😂

Occasionally IC works fine, but most of the time it says it's not connected and I get a "weak WiFi signal" alert
Not a chance - i’m actually playing
mine with my friend right now

Do you have an expansion system on your wifi or combined 2/5g output ?
Not a chance - i’m actually playing
mine with my friend right now

Do you have an expansion system on your wifi or combined 2/5g output ?

No, just a bog standard Sky WiFi router. Phone has full WiFi signal stood next to the game but the game says no signal
Sometimes if mine is left in too long the wi-fi crashes
But generally i have my wifi split not combined due to other 2g devices.

The advice above did work as i have an expander but it made the seamless wifi separate in the house which was no good. The wi-fi Ariel is pretty crap in the machine , mine is in a room with router at one end and expander at the other and still only has 2 bars on it

It’s working fine now but with low signal and as i mentioned it craps out after an hour or so and have to reboot the game

Try splitting your 2/5g up ?
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