Looking at the Pins currently for sale and in some cases the still silly prices people expect to get, I see many have no bids or simply do not reach their reserve.
Clearly the current economic climate is depressing all markets and for understandable reasons people are selling assets. On eSh1te some are obviously selling part/ all of their collections but seem to attracting little of no interest.
I see currently there is a "basket case" Gottlieb Spin Out in need of total restoration that the guy wants a starting bid of £695. Really? Maybe at the height of the last boom but now I reckon he will be lucky to get half the starting price.
I wonder, (hope), some common sense is coming back to the market, although I am sure some owners who paid silly prices will hold on hoping asking prices will recover. Sadly based on current evidence if it is keeping my Pins or paying the Mortgage on my home, that is currently reducing in value, I know what I will do.
Clearly the current economic climate is depressing all markets and for understandable reasons people are selling assets. On eSh1te some are obviously selling part/ all of their collections but seem to attracting little of no interest.
I see currently there is a "basket case" Gottlieb Spin Out in need of total restoration that the guy wants a starting bid of £695. Really? Maybe at the height of the last boom but now I reckon he will be lucky to get half the starting price.
I wonder, (hope), some common sense is coming back to the market, although I am sure some owners who paid silly prices will hold on hoping asking prices will recover. Sadly based on current evidence if it is keeping my Pins or paying the Mortgage on my home, that is currently reducing in value, I know what I will do.