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Godzilla Speaker Upgrade?


Feb 26, 2017
Does anyone know what exactly the upgraded speaker system is on the Godzilla LE?

I have the premium GZ on back order and I wanted to upgrade with the official kit if possible, does anyone know if it is available to buy?
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Thanks Paul, I know the Kenwoods are what Stern use, but how would I get the lighting effect and what about that 3 way amp LE's have?
i made my own lights but otherwise:

dont know about an additional amp. The kenwoods and sub i added driven off the existing amp sound great to me so dont feel the need for an additional amp.

have a look in the speaker thread on pinside, theres amp alternatives on there also,

Or maybe look at pinsound.
Thanks Gonzo, yep I have just ordered from Doug after I came accross another thread that I saw he had commented on which clarified a few things.

Right now I am a little confused with the 8" sub upgrade, reading this thread only complicated things in my mind as I am not good with speaker talk/technology.

If anyone can help I'd appreciate sub advice?
this is the one i used, , not to expensive and was a stright swap and very happy with it. Noticeable improvement from the stock one but not to much thats its over powering.

JBL Stage 810

this is the one i used, , not to expensive and was a stright swap and very happy with it. Noticeable improvement from the stock one but not to much thats its over powering.

JBL Stage 810
Nice one Paul, that's good enough for me. I cannot wait to get the GZ now.
These are excellent and the chap (Doug I think) gets them out really quickly. Don't forget to order the surround and LE conversion kit too but if you're in doubt just ask him and he'll advise.
Well it was yonks ago I ordered from Doug but being polite I have waited quiuetly as requested HERE

I have just contacted Doug, via his support email, but I am a little concerned at the overall timeframe and that if there was an issue, I should have chased it up ages ago, but the above statement makes you scared to chase him up. Of well, fingers crossed that he doesn't get angry at my email chasing the order up. :oops:
If you have ordered the kit, it has everything you need. Easily one of the best mods for Sterns.
Sorry I should have been clearer, if his light kits fit here on the spare power feed, I have already plugged an aftermarket mod in where this yellow plug is.
So would I need a one to two way splitter adapter?


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Sorry I should have been clearer, if his light kits fit here on the spare power feed, I have already plugged an aftermarket mod in where this yellow plug is.
So would I need a one to two way splitter adapter?

Ah, yes, if I remember correctly when I installed mine, you will need a splitter if you have used that already. Maybe double check it doesn’t come with one.
My hack for mods rather than pulling power from the pin itself.
Plus this isolates the mod from the pin if the mod has a short or the likes.

2 of these to piggyback the power switch.


Feed to the PSU of choice

Power your mod which are my speaker lights on my GZ

I’ve used this to power @stumblor awesome Sign too
That looks like a wonderful hack. I will certainly look into that, I can't remember is my light kit is totally random or tied to features, it probably doesn't matter as I barely get chance to look up when playing.
Have the jbl ones in mine. Really ypu don't need the amp. The biggest change I can suggest is to go into utilities and change to 10 channel amp. Play with the settings there.
Oooh - well spotted @stumblor.

Lovely work there @Colywobbles - I have a few Feed Vrenzy's left and I need to do exactly the same with my GZ.

Planning permission passed for my Pinshed... Currently having the new fence put up, and just sold the current shed (too small... wrong size...). so hopefully get time and space to get back into modding and more playing. Will create a little blog on the pinshed build.
I’m waiting on the fire speaker light kits from Doug. Like a couple of months now. Whatever you do, don’t chase him up. Hopefully I’ll get them soon!
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Theres quite a few youtube vids and sites with arduino code examples for doing this fire effect yourself if you fancy a crack.

Ill be doing mine myself when i get some time, its fairly stright forward. (probably the limiting factor for most of us...time!)
Hi Paul,

Well I'd like to look at the vids I suppose but my order is placed and I've also got other parts in to accommodate larger speakers and the foam and sourcing all this as a one off would be a chore be sure I was finding the correct products.

However, Doug did respond and timeframes are quite long, and so I'm expecting the wait to be either 6 months from June 9th or 6 months from his reply, one daren't enquire too much, for fear of breaking his caveat linked earlier.
In fact I was reminded of the fact that I was made aware that there would be a wait at the time of ordering. If he'd only listed a time frame back then, he would have been left alone this last week too, so some of it is self inflicted contact 😀

Good luck if you have a go, I'm sure you can do this yourself seen as you already have a good knowledge of spares required :)
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