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Godzilla Problems


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Oct 15, 2022
So coming up to 2 years and plays like new. Tonight turned it on first time in a couple weeks and it’s not working

No lights on the playfield. No buttons responding

7 tech faults listed when pressing every button on the service port

6 faults are node boards and 1 is GZ Mecha Spinner

Have i encountered a loose wire per chance ? anything else to pinpoint before i start to look ?
Check power and data to the pf. Start with the RJ45 cable coming out of the bottom right CPU, try another one if you have any spares.

What lights are on the first node board on that chain?
That's not the board you're looking for. In the bb there are cables going to pf, data will be one of the 2 up top (other goes to cab), and power on the bottom.

Ah. right. well here is the board and i’ll check the power when i return from a kids b party later


  • IMG_9795.webp
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Unplug the mod boards you showed in the one picture.
Has there been a code update ?????
Stern are sods with code!

The door interlock switch sounds like it is not operating or it could be an rj45 loose in the backbox or under the playfield - all the nodes on PF are looped one to another.
Can some one advise here please

See attached. CN5. No voltage between 1-6 & 7-12
Voltage at PSU fine.

CN3. Working fine

CN4 all working except no voltage between 6&3

CN2 working fine

Im getting intermittent working results from testing node 10
No signal to node 4/8/9
Node 0/1 working

Sounds like the power board DB has died ? Would that be the Caps that have gone?


Check this section from the manual. Which lights are on for node 9 between the sling mechs?

View attachment 263134
Sorry, I didn't check the lights as in the menu saw the Node test function so used that. Tested everything with a different ethernet cable from the back box to all nodes.
Moved onto the power check, had to remove some metal work and then went through the power DB, read some more from the manual and felt the power source is the problem. No power to Nodes they won't work to send / receive signal . Just need to confirm im right
What was the status of the interlock switch when you measured voltages?

This is the relevant bit of the PDB schematic. Since your cabinet node board is getting power I think that the coin door interlock isn't the issue.

The node boards under the pf (node 8/9) will have a single RED light which is tied to their 48V input from this PDB. Does it light up when the cabinet node is also lit up?

Be careful with live 230V !!

Thanks Fubar but it's the DB itself. Had a chat with some other like minded electrical people. Im one myself and just wanted to see if there was some isolation method I might of missed that was halting the 48v or something that had taken out the components, but as I had everything disconnected from the board that's just not possible. This happened to me with TNA but during a game and now with the CC board issues.... Seems bad components are more common

Just done some continuity tests on it now, GND is fine throughout but im not getting anything on the faulty pins

AP thought it was the interlock too when my GTF supply blew up but turned out it was just a crap PSU they have now superseded because of that issue

I guess when you charge £10K+ for a piece of equipment you should ensure there is quality components in there to match that warranted valve.
I have a spare PDB here but it doesn't have the coin door interlock circuitry (stays always on). You're welcome to have it to test with.
Have PM'd. Still think it's strange that the cab board is getting power, makes me suspect a connector issue with CN5, maybe a cold solder joint?
Got a new board in, turned on and got some voltage
QR reader had failed - Disconnected it and all
back to normal
New QR reader needed
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