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Garage conversion


Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
I've always kept most of my Arcade/Pinball stuff in my parents garage round the corner as my house doesn't really have the room. They agreed to have it converted into a games room for the arrival of WOZ however and it's just been finished.

Used to look like this


But now looks like

My parents have a load of film memorabilia from all of our favourite films to go up on the walls. Signed pictures from Jaws, Goonies, Wizard of Oz, Oliver, Pretty Woman etc.

The plan is to move the Space Invaders next to the dart board when WOZ arrives and put WOZ in it's place
Looks sweet mate! Nice chilled layout and always good to have a well stocked beer fridge :-)
Looks great, all ready for the new arrival
Love the Space Invaders cab.
Haha, had to do a bit of bartering with my mother as to what went in there. She wanted a full size Smeg which would have meant no 2nd pin!
Theres not going to be a lot of room when we all make our way up for the unwrapping party of WOZ. Lets hope its going to be good weather, then we can get the bbq fired up as well. Oh and you will need a whole shed load more beer in that fridge as well.

Nice looking games room, get rid of the invaders then its three pinballs.

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