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Jun 8, 2015
I have a selection of fuses but a bit of a mixed bag! It's a pain to find a needed value! The markings are hard to read and often I don't have the one I need! For instance I need a 2 amp slow blow and also a 750ma SB but don't have either!

I seen this kit on amazon but fuses don't look the best! https://www.amazon.co.uk/BOJACK-Val...20-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&psc=1

Anyone know of better kits at decent price?

Cheers Ronnie
I buy the pack sizes I need and write the type (5SB for example) on a square of cardboard that goes in the storage box at the side of each storage hole. They I can see the cardboard and chose the fuse.
But I always double check there isn’t a rogue fuse.
@AlanJ does a great fuse pack on his eBay with five of each common pinball fuse in little labeled bags. Maybe grab that? Makes for a good organizational starting point!
@AlanJ does a great fuse pack on his eBay with five of each common pinball fuse in little labeled bags. Maybe grab that? Makes for a good organizational starting point!
cheers I think I seen them, with free diodes? £19 ish, wonder if he does a group discount lol
cheers I think I seen them, with free diodes? £19 ish, wonder if he does a group discount lol

Yeah a few diodes too! Bigman on eBay I believe?
I think if you message him here you'll get it a bit cheaper as no eBay fees
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