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Full Playfield Protectors


Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
North East UK
Hi all,

Anybody any experience of these playfield protectors ?

http://www.bestofpinball.de/catalog...1/keywords/playfield protector/sort/3a/page/2

From the info on the website, it just looks like they sit on top of the playfield i.e. no adhesive - but would that mean you can get muck underneath? Also, as they are .75mm thick - would that effect the addition of cliffy protectors ?

Anyone know if they're available in the UK (haven't seen them anywhere else)

IMHO they're not worth it. Just keep the game clean and waxed and that will protect it from wear. If you were sticking a game on route then maybe you'd want more protection but even then, in this day and age, routed games don't get enough play to warrant one :)
Wow, didn't even know these exist! Wouldn't mind getting one for my Vector or Gameshow to protect the older and non-diamond plated playfields.
Thanks for the reply guys.

Must admit, for my own machines I tend to remove all/most of the mylar when I strip the playfield and then keep it waxed / cleaned regularly. But I've just offered to shop a machine for a friend of a friend and (judging by the amount of dirt on the machine) I'm not sure how how often it'll get cleaned.

If they're not such a good idea/not needed, makes me wonder why they make them for so many machines and of all different ages - although quite a lot seem to be 'currently not available' - so maybe they don't!

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