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Friday flashback fun - games you once owned and kind of miss

Sgt GrizZ

Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Ex PinballInfo Admin . MIA Brighton Hove beach
For some reason been thinking about Special Force recently ! Bally 6803 machine from 1986 https://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=2272
I would love to play it again, or even own it again.

I bought this around 2012/13 I think ?? Ebay project non worker about £200 iirc. I never really fixed it - I was slack and used a working MPU board that I'd borrowed and ran it on that for the time I owned it :D Had it about a year maybe, if that. Can't remember where it went, I think someone in the midlands took it on ??

It was a cracking game though, designed by Dennis Nordman - you can tell by the design, like his White Water its a real world below glass with all the layers of jungle plastics, and the helicopter 'whirlpool' ramp. The pop bumpers are these cool little jungle huts as well - with a great exploding effect when you bomb them from your helicopter ! The sounds were crazy on it, lots of jungle noise with insane explosions and gunfire 😁 I wonder what first drew Sgt GrzZ to this game 😂😊

One great feature this had was the extra Rocket buttons on the cab beside the regular flipper buttons. If you had rockets you could fire them off to knock down the Tank drop targets ! Awesome.

I haven't seen one since, I think one popped up on Ebay a few years ago but they seem pretty scarce. Anyone have one ?

these are the only pics I could find of mine. Probably when it first came in as its not working.

Centaur - but I've resolved that. 😁 (And I'm loving it all over again)
Kinda miss Barracoraa bit too tho.
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