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Frank N Pin at NLP this weekend


10 Years
Aug 10, 2011
To of the "pins from the lab" will be at NLP.
The speech/multiball HH will be there - doubt you will hear speech but you will at least hopefully see the multiball.Will be in the Gott row.

Also in the Gottlieb row will be Frank N Pin aka Genesis aka Metropolis.

Why Frank N Pin?
Cos its is literally made up from about 12 pins.
Long story short I bought just the following : -

A populated Genesis playfield,cabinet loom,transformer,power supply and lockbar.

And from that ther eis now a freaky looking game,but it is still at least back from the grave.
Gold Wings cab/displays/sound board,cpu from france,glass from MOP,light board from T2,new translite,JM coin door,BSD speaker plastic surround etc etc.

Done cos I liked the look of the rarish in UK Genesis,and thought would be cool to reuse unwanted parts and bring another Gottlieb back from the dead.
It aint a looker tho I did get Replicas to fit some BBox decals at least.
Its tweaked and plays ok but the Rototarget is ocassionally a PITA.
Other than that enjoy!

PS added a little toy - lets see who notices it : )
Look forward to seeing the end result Chris, a unique machine !! Should make some heads turn.
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