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Foolish Mistakes


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10 Years
Jul 6, 2012
Spent considerable time last night getting the machines sorted for this weekends league meet, and wasted at least an hour trying to stop MB from spitting out 2 balls.
Pulled mech and boards a part, checked the opto's etc, couldn't find anything wrong, then decided to reassemble, and add back the 5 balls!! o_O

Anyone else want to own up to any?
Nothing specifically game related (yet...I'm sure if it will come) but probably so far it has been timing with games. I've had a good number of times now where I'm looking to buy a game, something I sort of fancy has come up so I've bought it and then literally a week or even a few days later a pin I have been on the lookout for a while for comes up for sale (Damn you Terminator 2! I think that is the worst, probably 2 or 3 times now I've missed out on one). I think I need to learn to holdout for what I really want :)
The day i asked for help for a non working flipper on a SS Bally then a week later realizing that both contacts on the EOS switch were NC I gaped one as NO. Doh:p
Going to change the transformer fuse when it was still plugged into the wall. My arm was dead all day, won't be doing that again.. ;)
Going to change the transformer fuse when it was still plugged into the wall. My arm was dead all day, won't be doing that again.. ;)

Hah I remember getting told a similar story once from another chap who was selling a game. He was chatting with the wife of the buyer on the driveway outside his house while the husband inspected the game. Suddenly there was a loud yelp from the garage. "What the hell was that!" "Oh, he touches anything while the games are switched on, I'm surprised he hasn't blown himself up yet." The game wasn't damaged but the husband certainly was, and I don't think touched whatever it was he did again during the visit ;)
Working on the strobe HV board on an AFM with the game switched on. I was on the phone to @TYHO at the time, telling him I knew the risks so wouldn't be touching the dangerous part. Then shouted many obscenities very loudly and had a warm arm for the rest of the afternoon
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spent weeks tinkering with the crane on LAH. Couldn't get the ****er to home properly. Hours spent trying to adjust the switches etc.

Came down one day and noticed that the legs on it had been switched for those of ID4 so the front was too high. 5 mins to swap the legs over and the machine played perfectly again - doh:oops:
Working on the strobe HV board on an AFM with the game switched on. I was on the phone to @TYHO at the time, telling him I knew the risks so wouldn't be touching the dangerous part. Then shouted many obscenities very loudly and had a warm arm for the rest of the afternoon

Coulda been worse,ya coulda fell in the machine with the playfield on top of ya.
Mind you surely there would be no silly tw@ out there who would let that happen!
If you ever make a film of your life, you better make sure that bit gets included. You will be played by an elf in a yellow hat
Trying to fix Demo Man cryo claw, all over the Internet its says 'do not move it by hand'.

So what did I do? I did think at the time 'I'll only move it a little'! Feckin eejit, as I then had to then hunt one down, then the wrong part came in so had to but again!
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