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Fish Tales - Micro Playfields


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10 Years
Apr 17, 2012
Nr. Peterborough
Has anyone had any experience with the Fish Tales Playfield from Micro?
Reading through their playfields seems to have mixed reviews depending on the title, some being dreadful and some excellent
I also read they can be a PITA to deal with

Alternatively anyone have a CPR one hiding anywhere they would part with?

Appreciate any feedback
Theres a thread or two over on pinside about them, looks like the newer ones are the problematic ones where they have switched from screen printing to digital printing, apparently they print the playfield on, clearcoat it, then drill the holes and then clear coat again.

Someone has even been threatened with being sued by Mirco for calling them out on the poor quality.
Get the old one repaired by @chris platt , he's known for doing great work and no gambling with the idiot Mirco, several threads on pinside destroying his work including clesrcoat being pealed off a new repro playfield.
I recently saw a new Mirco FT playfield fitted that had pooling all over the place, I ended up putting some fish decals on mine even though it wasn’t really bad to tidy it up and put a playfield protector over the top. Rather that than a Mirco for me.
Get a CPR if you really need a new playfield.
I actually e-mailed CPR at the weekend to see if they would be doing another run of FT playfields, as I’m considering doing a PF swap on mine and all the story’s on Pinside doesn't give me a lot of confidence with the micro PF’s.

Unfortunately cpr said probably not as there’s not much demand for them.
I recently installed a Mirco playfield in a friends Funhouse and it looked really nice. We were both really happy with it.

If CPR were to do a FT run I’d be in for one but not sure I’d risk a Mirco one due to the varied reports.
Maybe go mirco and get it recleared. Speak to a body shop and ask them if they would do it when there doing a car. You could get a nice red one 🤣
Maybe also pay for it on a credit card, at least then you have the Article 52 protection of whatever its called.

I think Mirco supply JJP with all their new playfields and just have a look at all the issues with Wonka and GnR with clearcoat pooling.
Thanks for all the feedback, I think that has helped me make my mind up
I have someone locally who could tackle the clearcoat, I also thought about putting a playfield protector on the top however when you are paying that much money you shouldn't have to.
The one I have is pretty good, I was just thinking, as I need to rebuild it a new one would have been nice.

I took my Robocop Playfield over to the US and had it restored and coated by Cpt Neo, however those work trips have understandably stopped at the moment, Chris has also stopped doing them here.

Thanks for all the feedback, I think that has helped me make my mind up
I have someone locally who could tackle the clearcoat, I also thought about putting a playfield protector on the top however when you are paying that much money you shouldn't have to.
The one I have is pretty good, I was just thinking, as I need to rebuild it a new one would have been nice.

I took my Robocop Playfield over to the US and had it restored and coated by Cpt Neo, however those work trips have understandably stopped at the moment, Chris has also stopped doing them here.

My original playfield was really dull and no matter how much polishing I tried it never would polish up like most of the clear was gone, I wanted to put a new playfield on as everything else is really nice (took empty cab to Manny). I ended up fitting a protector over it which made it look new again and you can do your touch ups etc before you put it in so it all looks good, had to nibble/cut some of the protector so it would lay flat but overall happy with it and looks really shiny now like a nice clear coat.

Mirco refuses to do that
Not surprised with anything that guy does.
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