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First trip to Chief Coffee


Feb 25, 2016
I had a day off from work so myself and my better half made our first trip today to Chief Coffee on the outskirts of London Town!!
First off its a longer trip from Chelmsford than I thought it would be, but well worth it.
All machines in top condition except for the Star Trek which was switched off (possibly been sold??)
First play was the Hobbit, I enjoyed it a lot. Not sure of the rules yet but seemed deep and the shots were good with typical JJP high build quality. Not a fan of the theme but I enjoyed it miles more than I thought I might and would love one for home one day,.
Next, Ghostbusters Pro, thought I was going to hate it.....bloody loved it. Not as much of a drain monster as I has been led to believe and an all round fun game. I just wish Stern had a put a LCD in it instead of the DMD, such a missed opportunity.
Next, Game of Thrones Pro.......not seen the show, not a fan of this pin, felt cheap and stripped down with minimal toys and poor photoshopped art. Not one for me.
Also played Cactus Canyon, Medieval Madness, Circus Voltare, and Monster Bash (with colour DMD..nice) all classics and had one quick game of WOZ (which I own) and played the worst game of my life....maybe the pressure of showing my (lack of) skills to the public?)
...and had a good Hot Chocolate too.
As a man still mourning the loss of The Pipeline, i'm glad I found somewhere else close-ish to Chelmsford that has some great pins in great condition.
I will be back soon ..............now if only they sold Beer ;-)
Yeah, the ST switched off is my fault:-) Hopefully winging it's way here via Martin tomorrow.
I'm jealous JT, Star Trek was switched off but looked in great shape. Its another pin with a theme I don't care for and I thought I wouldn't like, but shoots great and is a fun game :)
I was surprised, for a Monday lunchtime, there were loads of people in Chief today...any other forum members?? I was there from about 1 til 3pm is, I was the tall handsome fellow with the short redhead lady :)
I love the place also - just wonder how he makes any money - pins are not cheap and not cheap to run and the place is never busy...

Worried that one day it will be gone.
I love the place also - just wonder how he makes any money - pins are not cheap and not cheap to run and the place is never busy...

Worried that one day it will be gone.

But, to politely correct you, we are very often extremely busy!!
Coffee is good business, and pins are in fact relatively cheap to run.
Not to buy NIB though ;-)
How often do you visit our pinball palace out of interest, Neil?
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I'm glad to hear it - I'm there usually two Sundays in a month but was there also on a Saturday this last month! Glad that business is booming! I think between me and the wife we stick in a good 30quid in the machines when we visit - should be there this Sunday! Oh and please please please can we have Diet Coke on the menu - I can't stand coffee :)

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I was up in London over the weekend, concert at Wembley Saturday night, overnight at a Travelodge in Kew ( interesting experience as 6 police officers arrived just ahead of us at midnight to deal with an 'incident'), realised we were close to Chief and got within about 200m of the front door when heading there for a coffee or two on Sunday morning before getting a call from home that meant we had to head home early:( Hope to make it inside next time:thumbs::)
Played hobbit today, very impressed with what from just a picture looks like it could be quite boring, two stand ups not working however I know that uprated springs were being replaced shortly after I left.
Managed to get over a million and to the second mini wizard mode, something to do with Annie Edson Taylor I think!
Was there today as well, great pinball as always. Please spawn more Chief Coffees in central London, I'll be there every week!!
In all seriousness I think a Chief Coffee or similar would do really well here in Chelmsford. We are local to London, well connected by road and rail and the rental costs are a fraction of what's being asked in most of London. Plus people round her love their Coffee!
Must correct you also, Chief Coffee can be very busy. It was packed on Sunday and had to wait for a table! Game of Thrones is a great game and so is Ghostbusters. Agree, diet coke please Sam.

With regards to another venue in London (I work opposite the Pipeline and now spend more time in the gym now that it is closed down which surely can't be good for you - really miss the place), as some on here know, I have a TAF on location a couple of miles from Chief Coffee and have been looking for another venue for some time now. I can assure you, finding a decent venue in London to place some pins is not easy.

One day, hopefully one day.....................
@Chief do you think a pin cafe is viable model outside of London as well, or do you think you are reliant on the huge population of London and excellent public transport links, or do you think your customers are mainly locals? It would be great if this was not only a viable business model and might take off in other places too.
Must correct you also, Chief Coffee can be very busy. It was packed on Sunday and had to wait for a table! Game of Thrones is a great game and so is Ghostbusters. Agree, diet coke please Sam.

With regards to another venue in London (I work opposite the Pipeline and now spend more time in the gym now that it is closed down which surely can't be good for you - really miss the place), as some on here know, I have a TAF on location a couple of miles from Chief Coffee and have been looking for another venue for some time now. I can assure you, finding a decent venue in London to place some pins is not easy.

One day, hopefully one day.....................

Where is your TAF located?
True believer indeed. Like I said, been looking for a year now for a decent venue in SW London to accommodate 25 odd machines to run tournaments etc. with Craft beer and good food (Our bar menu favorite are Bear Bites). Rent is extremely high as you can imagine so has to be in the right place. If anyone hears of a suitable venue please let me know ;)
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