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Fine Tuning a Game - Criticality of Rubber Size


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1 10 Years
Oct 26, 2014
Slingshots seem to use either 2.5" or 2.0" rubbers.

Whirlwind offers fore and backhand shots to the main ramp/ saucer underneath it which is one of the three key targets of this game.

The backhand ramp shot does not work with a 2.5", but does with a 2.0". Simple as that. The tolerance is that tight and the game is utterly transformed by using the smaller one.

Fish Tales is similarly fussy on the right slingshot about whether you can backhand the Casters Club20220417_183456.jpg

Yet this post on Pinside directs you to the 2.5" fellas .......

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So you're saying if I use a 2.0 on my fishy slings I might be able to backhand the casters club?
Lots of things seem to play a part ....

  • Flipper angle when at rest. I always run my flippers dead in line with the angle of the lane guides
  • Avoiding ball bounce when the ball runs from the lane guide onto the flipper
  • Improved playfield speed/ good wax makes the shots easier
  • Flipper strength helps (end of stroke switch setting, recent rebuild - mushroomed plungers, excess play in links etc)
  • Rubber size - even stretching it away from the lowest post will gain you a tiny fraction. The rubbers do stay in position for many months when you do this

I really like these acute backhand shots so have fiddled for ages with nonsense like this on various games that are sensitive- Addams Family right Flipper ramp shot, Centaur right Flipper stand up target shot are two other examples.

Modern Stern games seem to offer amazingly sharp backhand angles with freshly rebuilt flippers. Best flipper mechs in the business IMHO.

You end up mashing the rubbers on the bottom slingshot post and the Casters Club pin post on Fish Tales in particular, but it takes hundreds of games/ years to do this.
go with what works
today I am working on a Medusa, the rubber chart i the manual is way off, glad I have a box full of all sized rubbers
Nice tip, defo going to be trying this, could always backhand the ramp and saucer reliably, then I moved my pin and re leveled, now its much harder to hit. Without being able to backhand it makes the jackpot so much harder in MB.
I can backhand the spinner on my FT, it's great.

I just don't see how you can backhand casters club, I've seen it happen on streams but it appears to be rare.
I figure it's my flipper alignment, I can't see how it's the rubbers.

Mine are aligned to the holes in the PF with rubbers off and no flipper hop.

Furthest right I can backhand is the extra ball standup, which is the only way to hit it on my game
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