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Favourite/least favourite modern(ish) stern £2-3k


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Apr 20, 2018
So, I’d love a stern machine, but 2k plus generally means I’d have to wait a lil while before saving up enough before being able to get one. Anything year 2000+ is what I’m classing as modern here and I’m wondering what people enjoy. Of course it’a down to your preference, but personally after a few games I had fun playing WPT but wasn’t a fan Of Austin powers given the same time playing, despite preferring the theme initially. So if you were looking at as close to 2k as you could reasonably be for a modern stern, what would you fancy? That pirates of the Caribbean looked a good buy at £1750...
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I’d save until I had enough for at least WPT - the rest of those games at that lower price are terrible in my view.


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I think at that price point Big Buck Hunter might be best value for money? I've never played it but it seems get a fair bit of love on here.

My personal choice would be Sopranos, which is a great game. Chris recently sold a mint one for 3.5 but you could probably find a decent one under 3, although they don't seem to come up often.
And yes that potc was super cheap, one of stern’s best games.
Spiderman and Batman Dark Knight are also great games you can often pick up for sub 3k.
Big buck hunter is great fun but has poor code.
I picked up a 2005 Nascar this year in a job lot with the intention of quickly moving it on - it's still here [emoji3]

It's an absolute blast to play, a fast playing Pat Lawlor design and the amount of stuff on it - magnet looping track, raising bash toy and hidden scoop, windmill target, drop targets, multiple divertors, etc etc make current Stern Pros look empty.

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Grand Prix’s are usually cheap too, basically Nascar rethemed for outside the US.
@kevlar had one, seems a fun game.
Grand Prix/NASCAR is an excellent shout. Was a pool hall round the corner from me as a kid that used to have an Elvis which I loved and played almost every day... They moved it one day and got a Grand Prix and I was so upset at the time... Then one day finally gave in and then fell in love with Grand Prix too 😂
Can't go wrong with POTC, the one I picked up off Chris recently just needs a clean and it'll be a cracking game for the money. Loads of toys, shots and decent rules!

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Just be careful about buying these games as they are proving harder to move on as you can see from the low priced POTC and that WPT which is insanely cheap I’d it goes for sub 2K.

I’d be surprised if you find BDK or spiderman for sub 3K but today’s market seems to be more for buyers than sellers.

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Family guy is great (if you like the theme).
Spider Man is I think a little over £3k these days - it seems to be rising in value.
Nascar - I had this when it was about a year old, hated it - lasted a couple of weeks, but again its personal views here.
POTC was indeed a great deal. That is a marvelous game and usually goes for a lot more than what Chris sold his for.

Some good advice if you want to try out a stern from this era (SAM or Whitestar) then load your computer with Visual Pinball X, and give them a try on that on desktop mode. At least you can see the shots and game play. It is not as good as the real thing but will give you a pointer on the rules of the game, shout outs, music etc.
At the 3K mark you start to see iron man transformers and LOTR...

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The potc was a bargain I think I sold 7 in total
I have sold around 25 stern games last month potc ij 24 csi shrek all sold as is none where over 2k other than a nice fg and tdk
I still have a tdk ij and potc but are missing parts
I may have more coming in the new year
I think if you are wanting something nice ish I think you will be at lower titles bbh wof maybe a few others you can pretty much get most early sterns in the 3k budget 3-4K will buy you any nice early stern
What about Monopoly? Well within your price range, however, I couldn't possibly comment on whether it's any good as I've not played it myself.

It's aaaallright. Pat lawlor design, so it has that going for it. Weird spinning right flipper that doesnt do a lot. People say it's a good theme integration but I'm not so sure, can't understand what moving around the board actually does.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I’m not looking to buy at the moe as payment to convert the garage into a pinball room is all consuming at the moment (though have been watching your sales with interest Chris) I’ve played monopoly and did enjoy it. A spiderman would of course be a dream and I’ve enjoyed playing potc before. Thank you for all the suggestions, interested in playing a GP/NASCAR now, as I’ve not played one before. Ripleys is another I've not played in real life yet and would want to have a go at. Wheel of fortunes theme isn’t for me and I’ve played out family guy when it was on location near me a while back now. Cheers all :)
Not forgetting Roller Coaster Tycoon, I've never played it but it's not very highly rated so should be one of the cheapest.
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