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Fast pins

Awesome game :) Definitely one I want to own at some point. Played it at a league meeting recently and reminded me just how much I love it.
Well it's not actually mine ,it's on loan but it was in need of a good clean and repair and so I've spent over a week sorting it as the chap who owns it didn't know where to start :)
Fastest machine out there.
I don't know another machine that you actually lose track of the ball it moves that fast.
Fastest machine out there.
I don't know another machine that you actually lose track of the ball it moves that fast.

I do. No fear is also just as quick and has no gloves to stop and start the flow (just a crappy vid mode instead). Habitrails on No Fear feel much faster than the ramp returns of JM too. Not to mention the speed of the looping jump ramp shot, and the inner loop return.

imo, Tron blows them both away....
No Fear is no turd. Its a superfast poor mans AC/DC, whats not to like?......... Rocky and bullwinkle, or an X-files is what you need should you want a 'turd'.
Now, now, you two. Stop the bickering.
I don't think No Fear is as fast or Tron for that matter, Johnny's the fastest by a mile.
Thats just my take on it as we all have a different one.
JM is fast for sure, got into a headlock with a group member eons ago (nothing new there :D) about the same topic, he claimed F14 Tomcat was the daddy and faster than the JM, is this so or was the guy talking out of his rusty bayonet wound?
Love F14. If anyone has one to sell , let me know ....even though I have no space/money :D

You'll just have to open that revolving door again and offer a few bacon butties and it will be F14 (flying in - sorry!) and a n other going in the opposite direction :)
F14 , fast but no where near Johnny.
I have never lost sight of a ball on F14, its a cracking fast game but dosn't come close to JM.
Own and play all three (JM, NF and Tron). Can say JM is the fastest without doubt.... :D F14 is only fast when the left kicker send the ball straight down the middle...! :p
F14 without a doubt fastest game I ever owned, insane kick back from the Russian dude and those awesome three beacons on the back box one of the best light shows in pinball.
I own F14 and JM, in my opinion, F14 is the more brutal. Faster? Not sure. They are both very fast, short ball time games that will make you feel very small, i love them both. However, the one that surpasses all of them, the head honcho is Iron Man, no game has ever made me feel that insecure :)

In fact, I'm going to start a thread to get it all off my chest!
Iron man great game, amazing how a game that was pretty horrible when it was first released ended up getting new code and by all accounts a hands down belter of a game and only about 1100 made.... I want one ;)
I reckon F-14 and JM are different types of fast ;) F-14 is bouncy fast with the Jagov kicker and the middle death targets while JM is flow fast, getting into a rhythm back to back on the ramps for Yakuza Strike or looping the right orbit over and over can build up some crazy speed :eek: JM deffo wins for me though!

Iron Man is an awesome game, fast and brutal.....unless your Stormy :) Last time I was round his gaff, he monstered it on back to back games....absolutely kicked my ****!
Bickering? Over pinball?....NEVER! haha.. Didnt mean to come across like a crazed fanboy...soz. :oops:

Its all good, each to their own 'n all that. Forgot all about F14 too,... Now i 'd-d-d-d-die'.... One thing though. With fast pins do you folk try to slow the ball down for more control or just go with the flow as much as you can? Curious to know as i cant help going with the flow even if i know i cant make a shot that way. The thought of me possibly making a shot at lightspeed outweighs the need to actually hit the shot for the most parts.:D
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