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Evil looking ringmaster

Mike Kindler

Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
South Croydon
Woo Hoo! After much faffing about and many additions to the pin tool kit the ringmaster on my CV has evil flashing eyes!

Will try and post a vid when I get my smartphone back after screen repair! (They don't like being dropped)
Well, my sister has posted a vid on facebook and I'm trying to get something on here but my tech head has gone south so you'll have to be patient or come along to Swavesy and see for yourself!
not at Swavsey mate:( traveling down to Devon that w/e...... damm Mr Squires, book me hols and he bangs it in the same w/e every year
OK, I have a video of the evils, now I can't get it off my phone to upload on here. Any tecchies that can tell me why MP4 files are not showing up in the folder on the phone when I know its there?
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