I'm not necessarily blaming eBay for high prices. But it's the main source of supplying THE MYTH of how much a game is worth.
Theres a world of difference between selling your game for a good price and selling your game for a price you've seen it advertised on an American eBay auction, regardless of whether it *even sold* at that price.
Regardless, I'm not ripping on eBay per se, it's just greedy sellers and their oh so precious ideals about never losing a penny or, god forbid, losing pride at the idea someone might buy their game for 10% less than what "it's worth" a complete misnomer anyway consider worth is relative.
"Hey Guys! Lets keep pinball alive! (as long as it doesn't cost me any money and I can profit out of my sales)"
I know I'm probably about the most soapbox person there is in the community, but I dont take issue with that as I think it's a good cause and I believe in it. I don't buy into this idea that you own a machine as a "safe 1600" that you can sell down the line when you need the cash, assuming, or even DEMANDING, that you will make your money back (all add on costs included), or make fat profit, all whilst wringing your hands on the state of the market and pretending to be passionate about the hobby.
It warms my loins to see such offers as Matts LW3 for £600 or a friend who got a FT recently for less than 500, that Dr Dude that sold here cheap the other week and such.
I have one machine, someone picked it up, fixed everything, at cost to them, them sold it to me AT THE SAME PRICE they bought it for. This person is known to many of you, and it meant he sold it at a loss, but he did it *just because* he didn't feel the need to profit, or in this extreme case, to even make his money back.
He did it to help out a first time buyer who didn't have money to burn, just because it was a cool thing to do.
On the other side of the coin, I had the embarrassment of putting a friend onto a game that was £1000 last week, only to find out that when he called the seller, the guy told him to make an offer and see if he "wins", THEN decided he just wanted 2 grand straight.
so he'd raised his price 100% in 4 days. Just because.
Good prices or GTFO.
It's a free country, and you're free to sell at your own prices.
But that also means we're free to call you on your
bs as we like.
None of this is particularly aimed at anyone here, and I hope I'm merely preaching to the converted. But it just grinds my gears, I'm passionate about pinball mang, whaddya want from me?
Right, I'm off for my third cup of coffee this morning
have a grand day all y'all.