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EAG London


10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
How was it then, anything good to report. Wasn't there some secret JJP pinball revealed or was it a Stern.

How did the finished Full Throttle play?
Yeah - I'm not too upset I didn't make it now. And JJ didn't show in person ....though possibly the East Coast US weather might of played a part in that.

Disappointing that Heighway Pinball was a no show for the 2nd year. Come on Andy whats going on with Throttle ??? :confused:
Thats two no shows on the run, doesn't bode well for Full Throttle...
It looks like a pretty crap day out to be honest. I think you know it was dull when Pinball News posts pictures showing the free canteen food...
Surprised by the silence from Heighway Pinball, no posts here since November and no news on their Facebook page regarding their no-show at AEG?

This posted just after Christmas:

"We have been quiet for a while but we will have LOTS to show you in the next few weeks

We are working hard to build 2 pre-production games in time for the EAG show later this month.

We will have not one but TWO versions of backglass art to show you, as well as some modified playfield art"
Star Wars ? Pat Lawlor ? Both ? :D

Pat Lawlor... That would be dull, was playing the pat Lawlor gane with stormy the other day... It sort of went : Pat Lawlor designer of such classics as....... Monopoly!!! Then Pat Lawlor designer of the awesome..... CSI!! And kinda went on like that ;)
Star Wars that would be sweet ...
Let's hope Andy brings throttle to the slam

Pat Lawlor... That would be dull, was playing the pat Lawlor gane with stormy the other day... It sort of went : Pat Lawlor designer of such classics as....... Monopoly!!! Then Pat Lawlor designer of the awesome..... CSI!! And kinda went on like that ;)
Star Wars that would be sweet ...
Let's hope Andy brings throttle to the slam

Conveniently overlooking TAF and TZ , arguably 2 of the greatest pinball machines ever made. And Family Guy for Stern was no bomb either.So you genuinely wouldn't be interested in seeing what he might cook up ?

You could play the same game with Steve Ritchie ........24 ?? Elvis ?? :p
I was just so surprised and impressed that he'd managed to get to the stage of building a working pinball machine from scratch by the Daventry show in August. So I don't believe he'll stop until he gets there now.

Maybe it's a four year journey instead of the one year he hoped for. To do it properly he'd need a million quid at least, and I doubt he's got even 10% of that together, so it may be slow to develop but I have confidence in the big fella to get it to market one day. I just hope it's before the bubble bursts and while the market is welcoming.

Good luck Andy mate.
Conveniently overlooking TAF and TZ , arguably 2 of the greatest pinball machines ever made. And Family Guy for Stern was no bomb either.So you genuinely wouldn't be interested in seeing what he might cook up ?

You could play the same game with Steve Ritchie ........24 ?? Elvis ?? :p

You didn't play the game properly...... Next up was Pat Lawlor designer of the awesome ......... Roller coaster tycoon ;)
I posted what he said in the MET code thread on pinside

Gary Stern and Shelly Sax were there on the Electrocoin stand,along with two ST pro's and an AC/DC Luci.
I love AC/DC and am still humming and ha'ing about getting one and to me I think Luci looks the best.I like the extra Luci-esque pictures on the lower playfield,tho for me would have prefered just them,and they got rid of "flame man",as i think that just looks poor.Only other negatives for me re Luci is the bleed thru on the translite,and the blue marks on Luci's shoulder on the cab,at first I thought it was cab damage but now realise it is paort of the artwork.
Would still if going the new route get a Luci tho.

As I was there I wanted a chat about Metallica,and wanted to put forward my views to Shelley and Gary,but tried to be constructive.Explained howw I have a few Sterns-LOTR,FG,MOP-NIB,RBION-first ever NIB,also until recently had a SM and that I also have a GnR.
I basically stated how disappointed I was that after over 6months of buying an LE for approx $10,000 I still have features listed on the playfield that don't exist,I was bothered how the code still aint done.
I stated how bad it would be,as an example if I was In a, say Ford Mustang with Gary and I asked him to put the aircon on,and I tried to connect my music player to the aux socket only to be told"they don't work-yet".
But more importantly VERY dissappointed at the poor communications from Stern,re info on the magnet problems,and also info re software.I mentioned how many others in the community felt the same.
I quoted the facts their only comms re code was on their facebook page on Jan 2nd.
Gary then said how the community would be upset if they had said we will release so and so on Jan 16th,but if they date went past that we would be up in arms.
I reiterated the point,that it does not have to be ultimately specific with set in stone dates,as I know how things change but in the 21st century with their facebook page,web site etc,their communications is very lacking.I pointed out how yes,at times companies don't like admitting they made a mistake,but I felt that it is better to admit them rather than to say nothing at all.Gary stated that he communicates to the community by going to shows,pinside hq etc,and I stated IMO that was not enough,it is so easy for them to post relevant info on their sites without having to fly somewhere.

I went on to say that I for one,would never preorder another Stern again due to lack of modes/communication,and knew of others that were thinking the same,and I mentioned how I don't think that would be good for Stern as Pinheads would buy a high percentage of the LE titles.
He did,around that point write in his little black book-better communications.

In more of the conversation he admitted the "fooked up" with Metallica,and going forward things are to change.Stating they now have manpower in place for three projects - three designers-Borg,Ritchie and Trudeau - NOT Gomez as he overseas not designs,and how they have three main software guys - Lyman,Ropp and Waison.
Also stated there are also junior software guys too.
He had to go as someone was waiting for him so I asked "are you working on code for Metallica",he said "be paitient my friend be patient".
I then said(prob more sternly)"Gary I do not expect a date,please just answer the question,are you working on Metallica code,yes or no?"

"Yes we are" he said - took a lot of getting out,but felt it was good to here from him.

I thanked him and Shelly for thier time,and off I went.
The show wasn't as busy as last year in terms of numbers but we had much more operator interest than ever before, close to a exciting deal which would see pinball "out there" again, hopefully JJP and Stern, just get machines on site....

Hopefully things may start to happen soon.

Plus between my friend who came to help me and I we came up with a Lancashire Pinball Pub idea.... who knows where that will go but we're going to view a property in a week....

Great to see the pics of you there, and good to see you supporting the Pinball community too Phil :)

Did notice that the number of people in the pics seem very minimal, which was a disapointment.

Fingers crossed all goes well :)
He had to go as someone was waiting for him so I asked "are you working on code for Metallica",he said "be paitient my friend be patient". I then said (prob more sternly) "Gary I do not expect a date, please just answer the question,are you working on Metallica code,yes or no?"

"Yes we are" he said - took a lot of getting out,but felt it was good to here from him.

Good for you Chris.
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