Last time I was in arcade club nearly all the pins where unplayable, the best was a Metallica le when collywobbles playstic had snapped on the ball lane, so a ball got totally stuck at some point in it's past I don't know why they bother buying LE , it appeared that almost zero maintenance was done on then, even my mate who is obsessed with pins couldn't be bothered playing any of themThe pier never seem to maintain or clean pins.... That bond was / is still runnign the original code isnt it? I havent played it for a while but I know it had launch code for at least a year... They had Rush for a while but that got mostly non working and turned into an Iron maiden...
Not the worst though. was at Arcade club last week and their Iron Mainden LE... well, you couldnt see the feature inserts for the black on them (which is odd as mechanically it was working great, it just was dirty as all heck!). No pics as far too dark.