Another excellent Dutch Pinball Open... really settling in the new location in Drunen. Lots of machines on the main floor, with Steve Ritchie as one of the guests they (supposedly) managed to achieve a full line up of his machine designs past and present including Airborne Avenger and Superman (not sure where T3 and 24 were though).
Jersey Jack was there showcasing the Hobbit, TBL (complete with rug) was available for people to try with the early game code. Timeshock looked fantastic despite the playfield being whitewood and most plastics being 3D printed a solid white colour. MMr was there to play - most people not realising it wasn't a older Williams one. TWD with most up to date game code looking good.
So what was good?
The tournament area out on it's on in another building on site.
Getting to play lots of rare games such as:
Bad Girls (alternate translite)
Spring Break (alternate translite)
Bowling on TBL (when it worked properly).
Greg @robotgreg making the final of the classics.
Skywalker @Lukasz Romanowski getting 220M and Grand Champion on STLE admittedly on 5 balls with extra balls but it was still almost double the previous highest.
Lots of TV coverage!
Flying in from Stansted.
What was bad?
Hobbit - sorry guys but this looks like one big snooze fest, so much so that after 10 mins of watching one ball (same ball) I gave up waiting for a go (almost unheard of) Although the film images and game progress / scoring on the large backbox screen were very impressive.
TBL - maybe it's the very early prototype code but wasn't impressed with game play apart from the bowling alley (which might grow old quick for some people). Loved the LCD display though.
No Brits in the top 10 of the main comp.
Plane back being delayed 30 mins (at 10pm) after it was discovered that it had hit a bird when landing.
Jersey Jack was there showcasing the Hobbit, TBL (complete with rug) was available for people to try with the early game code. Timeshock looked fantastic despite the playfield being whitewood and most plastics being 3D printed a solid white colour. MMr was there to play - most people not realising it wasn't a older Williams one. TWD with most up to date game code looking good.
So what was good?
The tournament area out on it's on in another building on site.
Getting to play lots of rare games such as:
Bad Girls (alternate translite)
Spring Break (alternate translite)
Bowling on TBL (when it worked properly).
Greg @robotgreg making the final of the classics.
Skywalker @Lukasz Romanowski getting 220M and Grand Champion on STLE admittedly on 5 balls with extra balls but it was still almost double the previous highest.
Lots of TV coverage!
Flying in from Stansted.
What was bad?
Hobbit - sorry guys but this looks like one big snooze fest, so much so that after 10 mins of watching one ball (same ball) I gave up waiting for a go (almost unheard of) Although the film images and game progress / scoring on the large backbox screen were very impressive.
TBL - maybe it's the very early prototype code but wasn't impressed with game play apart from the bowling alley (which might grow old quick for some people). Loved the LCD display though.
No Brits in the top 10 of the main comp.
Plane back being delayed 30 mins (at 10pm) after it was discovered that it had hit a bird when landing.