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Do I have a cliffy ?

chris platt

Site Supporter
10 Years
Jan 21, 2014
north west
Not sure if I do or not , shot seems pretty impossible and I’m not sure if the metal lining the full scoop is a cliffy or not .is this factory done or can I remove the metal edges to make the hole bigger ?


  • FED9AA30-CA99-4333-A9D2-1A93670EBBBD.jpeg
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That looks like factory to me. The cliffy protectors come up onto the playfield to prevent the wood chipping around the entrance to the scoop.

The scoop on Kiss is notorious for being a bugger to hit - backhanding it seems to be the most reliable.
Yeah just checking , I just remember cliffy doing an internal invisible cliffy so wasn’t sure or maybe confused , Never known a scoop to be so hard
Read the title without my glasses and spilt my coffee down me.
I thought it said “ Do I have a stiffie”
Looks more like the edge of a scoop similar to TNA.
If it is you can unbolt from underneath and add a washer or two to drop the edge if your getting too many rejects.
Or bend it up a little.
Mantis protection now removed and ball actually goes in the scoop now . What a difference without it !! Think an actually cliffy to frame the scoop hole may protect but not hinder the ball ?? I’ve mylared the entrance and lined the scoop with it so I have some protection for now
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