Picture the scene. It's 1992, maybe 93. The arcade scene is absolutely buzzing with new releases, mostly from Japan. Street Fighter has become a religion for many of us kids. Side scrollers like Final Fight and Turtles are eating all our coins. Mortal Kombat has just arrived with all its digitised gore and brilliance. Virtua Racing introduces us to polygons, Virtua Fighter and Tekken aren't that far away.... It's a great time to be a gamer and the tech is moving fast. We've long left behind what we saw as antiquated games like Ms. Pac, Bombjack, Star Wars arcade etc. Over in a quieter corner of the arcade are a handful of pins. You chuck a precious twenty pence coin into a pinball machine because it looks different. The screen looks old, the game plays weirdly. A few double flips later and you've drained 3 balls. **** all that. Back to Street Fighter, woah check it out you can now play as the bosses...! Fast forward 30 years and you're busy dropping thousands on said games and you rarely play videos anymore. Pinball rules all. Anyone else have a similar ish experience?