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De LEDing a machine.

Alan Syson

Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
I’ve never been a fan of LEDs, unfortunately with so many people going down this route means when changing the line up a machine will arrive with them.
Is it as simple as justt changing them with incandescents? The reason I ask is I got s FT with them, the shoot again light was dodgy, sometimes working, often not. Fiddled around with it to no avail so put a “normal” lamp in.
Switched on & it kind of immoliated.
As I’ve always thought of them as the devil’s work, but have read in passing about things like OCD? boards is it more complicated than just swapping them out?
Yes, should be as simple as just swapping them over. When you that use the lower amp bulbs, use #47 rather than #44, they run cooler and should not damage any connectors
just bare in mind that LEDs use alot less power. Put those old fashioned bulbs back might cause some problems with the power board, will generate more heat and use more power.
You know what - a pinball machine in use with LEDs vs with incandescents will not make that much difference on total load. Maybe more noticeable on stand by.

Do load test via a multimeter. The transformer is under load on the other windings anyhow. Then when the 70v starts firing coils....

It is no use measuring in series with an incandescent lamp and then an LED lamp and comparing as its all about the total machine load @ 230v that matters.

LED technology has come on a long way - I used to hate them, now I accept them. I do miss lamps that 'fade in' and 'fade out' when power is applied.
just bare in mind that LEDs use alot less power. Put those old fashioned bulbs back might cause some problems with the power board, will generate more heat and use more power.

Those problems are still there with LED’s, just masked by the LED’s drawing less amps. Worth checking things are ok if you can and repair issues as early as possible.

LED’s are getting nicer all the time but I still haven’t been convinced they create the same aura that an incandescent light bulb
walking dead good example of LEDs done right.
Insert-wise; It really isn’t. Underneath that ‘SAM driving LEDs epileptic’ episode is a decent light show, just needs an OCD board to flush it out and make it visible. Works on the Pro really nicely, shame the LE/Prem isn’t compatible... some of the fading is horrible.

The only proper LED light shows (inserts) in Stern games is seen with Spike tech.

Iron man is another example. Great light show, made **** by SAM and those little filter boards they add on each connector. They even put a switch in the software to allow you to use in LED and incandescent mode, for which I am very grateful!
Yes, should be as simple as just swapping them over. When you that use the lower amp bulbs, use #47 rather than #44, they run cooler and should not damage any connectors

Maybe I was unlucky with my “shoot again” lamp. I’ll try another.
Incendescants have a charm all of there own.
Not all machines suit LED's

Not so much that Daz, they detract too much while playing. At last pinfest me & Col were on a Sopranos with them. Multiball was like a migraine on acid, couldn’t see FA
just bare in mind that LEDs use alot less power. Put those old fashioned bulbs back might cause some problems with the power board, will generate more heat and use more power.

Bear in mind it’s used at home. Not even left on most of the day to attract punters. Not something that bothers me.
FT with leds and no led ocd board is a strobe fest, one of the worst.
I left my WCS with incandescents and it looks so dull and dim compared to the rest.
In principle I’m a fan of LEDs. Manufacturers were limited by what was available at the time.
An incandescent 44 or 555 bulb won’t “fill out” a larger insert and you dont get consistent colour across the whole insert. This can be replaced by a brighter or colour matching LED.
LEDs draw less power, cost less to run and do their bit to save the world from global warming. Can’t fathom why one would take out LEDs from a back box and replace with incandescent. Better to have no bulbs at all.
They generate less heat and preserve your plastics for longer.
In 90’s Bally/Williams games they will protect from 5V overload and connector burn out. Yes some connectors may already be too far gone, but it’s the incandescents that cause this initially.
In home use the difference between LED and Incandescent is negligible when it comes to power and heat and any potential damage they might do. On site it's a different story if the games are on for long periods of time but unless you like to run your home arcade like a real arcade and have everything powered up all the time then just go with what you like the look of :thumbs:
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