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In Progress Cyber Race homebrew. From virtual to physical (build log)


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Oct 6, 2021
I designed, made and released a VPX called Cyber Race on and off over the last few years. This year I'd like to get into homebrew so I'm going to be making my virutal table come to life.

Here's a few photos and video of the virtual table. I'm at the beginning of the build so not much to show, however I'll update with pictures as I go.

What do you think? Is this a theme you would be interested in?

Thanks for the offer, I already have a cobra board, lights etc. waiting on an order of bits so I can start on the playfield.
Getting up and running with this. Built a rig to hold the whitewood and electronics, got all the leds needed for inserts and GI. Started to write some of the intial game code. Next will be to populate the whitewood and start testing shots.

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