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Custom Score cards

jack burton

Site Supporter
10 Years
Jan 30, 2014
I've been messing around on photoshop and illustrator this evening and I made some score cards for my STTNG. I do a good bit of freelance design work so I'm always looking for new things to do



What does everyone think?

Still rough and unfinished but not doing anything else tonight

Got me thinking aswell about making custom score cards for anyone that is interested? I'm good friends with the guy that does all my printing so I could probably get some HQ prints of these for cheap. I'm well used to changing style for a job aswell so anyone wants a jackson pollock style score card thats no problem :P

I'll probably do up some more during the week, I'll post them up here
Although I am taking all the custom cards out of my machines and putting black and white cards back in.
Yeah still kind of experimenting with them.

Personally I wouldnt bother with the rules on a card in the front of my machines but seems to be the done thing. does anyone here bother with them?

They look cluttered no matter what it seems to me. I way prefer my minimalist design in terms of this kind of stuff
I'll put it on the list. Anyone wants to print these out themselves let me know and I'll get a HQ version for them.
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