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For Sale Coly’s Flipper Dippers. AKA Pinball Flipper Button Protectors. Pinfest Special £10 a set


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Nov 9, 2016
Made a few extra sets while I was doing some for member and will have them with me at Pinfest if anyone wants to try them.

These stop the wear around the flipper buttons due to excessive slap saves and heavy handed players wearing knuckle Duster style rings having zero regard for your prized possession.
I have used these for a few years now on all my non lollipop armour pins and work a treat but bear in mind may require a little tweak of your leaf switches which is a simple task.
The buttons themselves hold them in place with no need of adhesives whatsoever.
Pinfest special £10 per set.
Available for all popular pins including the 2 button Sams if required. Also happy to make a set up for any elusive pin you may have just send me template made of card.

PM or grab me at pinfest to see if I have any spare.

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