I bought a colour DMD clock on the final run a couple of years ago which came setup with my wifi password pre installed…. Awesome service
Recently I think the clock has not been connected to my wifi, as the weather no longer displays and the clock is 25 minutes out … weird
I really love this clock and want to at least get the clock acquire again
I cannot find the contact details for the nice chap who made it, can anyone help ?
The unit has a LAN port and some usb's, but I don't see any buttons for any kind inbuilt user interface
Can anyone help please
I bought a colour DMD clock on the final run a couple of years ago which came setup with my wifi password pre installed…. Awesome service
Recently I think the clock has not been connected to my wifi, as the weather no longer displays and the clock is 25 minutes out … weird
I really love this clock and want to at least get the clock acquire again
I cannot find the contact details for the nice chap who made it, can anyone help ?
The unit has a LAN port and some usb's, but I don't see any buttons for any kind inbuilt user interface
Can anyone help please