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Cleaning and maintaining your machine

Mustang Pete

Sep 22, 2019
The Spiderman pinball arrives home tomorrow.. have bought myself a secondhand barrow to get in unloaded and into the house

The first job once installed will to be give it a thorough clean ..

So for general cleaning and polishing etc. What do you guys use. I see Novus mentioned a few times..should I invest in the kit?
Best places to buy ?

What sort of detailed cleaning regime can I do ..without stripping it down too far at the moment

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Foam cleaner from Pinball heaven and decent wax - use Novus on specific parts only.

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I'd use the foam cleaner , then Novus 2 for the stubon wear areas. Then play the game before using a wax to know how much waxing a playfield can speed up play.
I'd use the foam cleaner , then Novus 2 for the stubon wear areas. Then play the game before using a wax to know how much waxing a playfield can speed up play.
Indeed. I put wax on the Iron Maiden. Now the balls keep flying off the wireforms ✈️
Yeah - dont over do the wax. Spiderman is a fast game as it is.

Also a good idea to put in new balls, but make sure you polish them first.

It doesnt look bad - why dont you enjoy it for a few weeks - then strip it down, replace rubbers - LEDs if you want (assuming it still has old style lamps in it) - then clean with the assemblies off.

Treat yourself to a colordmd as well in the future. Maybe mirror blades or art blades from Retro refurbs. @PeteB does some nice ones

Have fun - enjoy yourself !
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