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Wanted capcom driver board

steve brum

Site Supporter
Feb 15, 2015
To borrow for NLP

As it stands pinball magic has been at EGX played solid for 3 days but has an intermittent display issue. There is no time to repair this is time for NLP where players are more discerning and a garbled display wont cut it. Seems power issues common fault on this system so if anyone can lend a capcom power driver board were in business. Otherwise unfortunately PM will be substituted. TOM is ready but would be a duplicate. Any help appreciated. Im really enjoying the game so it would be at future events but nice to have a Capcom at NLP
Try Marc C from PSPA.
He bought up the last of what Gene C had. Last time I looked he had a few Capcom board sets for sale.
We've reseated all connectors and it's working 90% now. Fingers crossed . If it manages 90% tomorrow then it's on the van
Maplin down the road from you do a new contact cleaner made by WD40. Works great on ribbon cable connectors etc. I would give that a spray on all the ribbons in ones behind display. They also have a board underneath the main PD board where the playfield plugs into that can give problems if my memory serves me right.....
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