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Cabinet paint


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10 Years
Aug 29, 2011
Not sure if this is the right forum so please move if not, but I'm looking for recommendations on what black paint to use on a fresh cabinet. The factory paint seems to be done in a single coat (i.e. no primer), but all the paints I can find seem to soak into the wood and look terrible. The factory stuff has a much better satin sheen than what I seem to be able to achieve. Does anyone have any recommendations on what stuff to try? I have a spray gun setup I can use.

There are plenty of different makes of black satin paint in acrylic I use Upol but Symoniz would be my second choice.
The secret to a good finish on wood is plenty of thin coats of paint.
If you have access to a paint gun then you've no excuse not to prime it first, m'lad! ;) A couple of coats and a quick flat.
I've used an automotive Satin black, 2K with activator but a cellulose satin would be OK too. The 2K would build better and dry harder but I'd still put at least 2 coats of that on it myself. As replicas says, it's all in the prep. A single top coat over no primer and it'll sink over time.
Just make sure you wear a decent mask though if you do use 2K paint as it's not very nice.
Thanks both! I'm generally not a fan of painting so always looking for shortcuts (which maybe is the problem lol). @Dex-Jay do you recommend any specific type of primer for wood?
Does the old trick of pva over plastered walls work here as well?

Basically a watered down pva painted on as an undercoat to hold the paint on the surface ?
Thanks both! I'm generally not a fan of painting so always looking for shortcuts (which maybe is the problem lol). @Dex-Jay do you recommend any specific type of primer for wood?

A 2K Primer with activator, same as the top coat though a decent mask and extraction would be ideal. It doesn't need to be a name brand, my local paint place I use https://www.romartautomotive.co.uk/shop_products.asp?CategoryID=19&SubCategoryID=8 or a Jawel 2k High Build Primer. You "can" roller it on too but you need to work fast as it will melt the paint roller! The foam rollers turn to goo in about 10 minutes.....

Here is always a great resource too. http://www.pinrepair.com/restore/index1.htm#mid (but you knew that) Whatever primer you end up using, even a wood primer from B&Q, just give it 2-3 coats and progressive abrasives 180, 320 and remove all dust and degrease if need be. Use decent abrasives (aluminum oxide) not sand / glass paper.
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