Just started this morning. It is not making simple, clean connections. It is oscillating, so sending the playfield lights into a frenzy and upsetting the main transformer too.
I have reflowed the pins on it. And then I put the expanded board in another game, it works fine in the other game. So I conclude the solenoid expander board itself is fine. So I think that it is the game that is not sending the right signal to it to get the coil to energise properly in the relay
This board is getting a good ground and is also receiving 44.1v, both measured at the pins of the little board
Does anyone know what the fix might be pls ?
I have reflowed the pins on it. And then I put the expanded board in another game, it works fine in the other game. So I conclude the solenoid expander board itself is fine. So I think that it is the game that is not sending the right signal to it to get the coil to energise properly in the relay
This board is getting a good ground and is also receiving 44.1v, both measured at the pins of the little board
Does anyone know what the fix might be pls ?
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