I was in my local arcade there and they have the second half of it opened for the summer.
The Theatre of Magic that was always there that i played is back in action so I had a few games when I was there. Needs a good clean and new rubbers and a few plastics and the dmd isnt in the best shape. it also ate my first 2 euro. But still plays great and under the dirt no real wear to the playfield, except for the entry ramp
Now I wouldn't say its getting much play out there so I'm going to try and buy it. I asked the guy who i got 2 get my 2 euro back is the owner was up for selling and he didnt have any idea but he mentioned that the arcade was going to be done up at the end of the summer so some machines will be removed etc
So I was just wondering if anyone here has experience with arcade owners and buying from them. How much to offer etc. None of the staff I asked really knew much
Any help would be appreciated
Owning a #2 ranked machine would be great
The Theatre of Magic that was always there that i played is back in action so I had a few games when I was there. Needs a good clean and new rubbers and a few plastics and the dmd isnt in the best shape. it also ate my first 2 euro. But still plays great and under the dirt no real wear to the playfield, except for the entry ramp
Now I wouldn't say its getting much play out there so I'm going to try and buy it. I asked the guy who i got 2 get my 2 euro back is the owner was up for selling and he didnt have any idea but he mentioned that the arcade was going to be done up at the end of the summer so some machines will be removed etc
So I was just wondering if anyone here has experience with arcade owners and buying from them. How much to offer etc. None of the staff I asked really knew much
Any help would be appreciated
Owning a #2 ranked machine would be great