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Buying advice

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I’m looking at two pinball machines. First one a lord of the rings, nice condition not a HUO.
Second one €500 less an iron man ve HUO.
I like both themes and they both look like fun to play.
witch one should i get? And are there issues to look for by these two machines?
Iron man is a hard game to play

For me Lotr has far more depth. I’ve had mine for 10 years and I’m still no where near finishing the valinor mode
I get you, if I could afford both I probably would play the lotr the most but owning a pin that’s like one of 300 ever made is also very cool 😎
Iron Man is brutal and shallower. LOTR longer ball times and more depth. I'd try and play both before committing to buying one over the other but at a pinch if that's impossible I think most would lean toward LOTR
Do you like long and slow, or short and fast?

They’re polar opposite games - it’s really down to your preference.

I’d probably go for IMVE, then wait for a nicer HUO LOTR.
I would go for the IMve. It's also a hard game to get to the wizard mode. It can also be brutal with short ball times but it has the "just one more ball" appeal.
Played LOTR a lot and the game is quite easy to keep the ball in play and gets old after a couple of games. Also not good when you have a multiplayer game.
Depends what type of game you would enjoy
🤔 luxury problem this 😅 but still a problem. They are at the same location so I guess I play them both for a wile and than see withs one appeals to me more. Any thoughts about future value?
I have both and would say LOTR is better but IM gets the blood pumping like no other game I’ve played. If you’re after a quick blast then IM all day but if you want a long immersive journey LOTR.
Thanks for all the reply. Still confused tho. Let’s do an other angle. Next week I’m gonna look at them. Are there things you like to see (pictures) that would influence your advice? Probably shooter lane and I believe the ring of the lotr can be an issue, other tings you like to see on these games?
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