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Building contents insurance inc pins


10 Years
Aug 10, 2011
Hi all,

Just wondering of recommendations for this.
Nothing has changed my end, but CMU /PPSolutions want over 10 % extra this year!🤬🤬
I remember reading a while ago there is a chap on the forum who did better rates for pin house insurance. But I can't for the life of me find the thread or remember who it was. Might be worth combing the forums see if you can track it down. Unless that's who you're with already?
@ianw sorted mine and I couldn't be happier with the service and price. Add to that that my pinball machines are actually listed on the policy it all adds up to peace of mind.

Also I think I'm actually insured whilst the pins are in transit so it's pretty cool stuff.
I'm still with the Halfiax Unlimited Insurance which covers my pins (and I have explicit confirmation of that). Unlimited contents and buildings cover. Cheapest insurance for me by far (I needed high contents and buildings cover) and they are absolutely fantastic on claims - had to do 2 over the last 10 years or so, one of which was an engagement ring!
Time for the @DRD scratched record moment...

A key issue to consider is outbuildings cover if you don't keep the pins in your main house.

Many policies have very low limits on this, £2,500 for instance.
And to add to @DRD my old garage which was integral to the house and even had an internal door leading from the hallway was still classed as an outbuilding.
I use @ianw to cover mine.
Actually Ian. My lineup has changed since the policy started. Should I update my policy
And to add to @DRD my old garage which was integral to the house and even had an internal door leading from the hallway was still classed as an outbuilding.
I use @ianw to cover mine.
Actually Ian. My lineup has changed since the policy started. Should I update my policy

No need to update each time you buy and sell, only if total value at risk changes a fair amount
Evening all, I have my first pin on the way soon and I need to amend our current/take out a new contents insurance policy (we just moved in to a new build, and buildings cover is included in our monthly service charge)
Our current policy includes a number of named items over a certain value (engagement ring, guitars and such); is there a particular insurer anyone recommends where I could include my pin as a named item?
Also, would I need to get the pin valued?
Once the pin arrives it'll be permanently kept in our flat.

Finally, if I took out insurance now, would the pin which is on its way to me soon be covered in transit? (I'm asuming Birmingham Tranport who are collecting/dropping off will have insurance if my pin is damaged, but haven't asked..)

I think our current insurer (Churchill) charge £40 just for amending the policy (which I think is BS), so open to just canceling and opening a new policy. I'll have a look on go compare, but would appreciate any advice- cheers.
Evening all, I have my first pin on the way soon and I need to amend our current/take out a new contents insurance policy (we just moved in to a new build, and buildings cover is included in our monthly service charge)
Our current policy includes a number of named items over a certain value (engagement ring, guitars and such); is there a particular insurer anyone recommends where I could include my pin as a named item?
Also, would I need to get the pin valued?
Once the pin arrives it'll be permanently kept in our flat.

Finally, if I took out insurance now, would the pin which is on its way to me soon be covered in transit? (I'm asuming Birmingham Tranport who are collecting/dropping off will have insurance if my pin is damaged, but haven't asked..)

I think our current insurer (Churchill) charge £40 just for amending the policy (which I think is BS), so open to just canceling and opening a new policy. I'll have a look on go compare, but would appreciate any advice- cheers.
I sound like a broken record on this! @ianw above if including pins. For really high value I would go with Halifax Ultimate. Not drama when an issue happens and unlimited cover. I didn't need to list any of mine as high value as they are not high risk items. Plus I have a few named items on my policy. I reckon it is half to 2/3s of the price of any other quote I've had.
On the matter of insurance, can anyone shed some light on what terrorism insurance actually covers? I’m in the process of renewing the insurance on my warehouse and sceptical if it’s just in there as a money maker that has no relevance.

Is arson considered terrorism? Or is it more if Al Qaeda rocks up onto the industrial estate and fires an RPG at my building?
Our Terrorism Product Definition:
An act of Terrorism means an act, including the use of force or violence, of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organisation(s), committed for political, religious or ideological purposes including the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public in fear for such purposes
Thank you for elaborating @ianw . But seriously tho how often does a claim come up citing that? I understand public places like the Manchester arena but a boring old warehouse in the middle of nowhere must be a rarity . The shipping companies added terrorism surcharge after 9/11 which you have no choice in paying and that’s a scam
Yeah, None that I can see relating to a boring warehouse with some boxes in it. Will take my chances.
Yeah, None that I can see relating to a boring warehouse with some boxes in it. Will take my chances.
It's often optional to include terrorism. This doesn't usually include arson, that would come under the peril of Fire.
I sound like a broken record on this! @ianw above if including pins. For really high value I would go with Halifax Ultimate. Not drama when an issue happens and unlimited cover. I didn't need to list any of mine as high value as they are not high risk items. Plus I have a few named items on my policy. I reckon it is half to 2/3s of the price of any other quote I've had.
Thanks for the heads up Martin- as I had to update my address with my current insurer I ended up getting a quote for update cover and it worked out only an extra £1 a month for the rest of my policy yea, so just went with them for now.
Come renewal I'll look at my options.
Dudnt someone figure out santander did a good cover a few months back?
Yep, that was me.
Got a great policy - full cover for buildings + contents - no need to specify. I pay 35 quid a month. Covers all my pins..... i called the advisor for full clarification.
No silly alarms or motion trackers needed.
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