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BrewDog Liverpool Pinballs

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jimbo
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Hey Guys, I was enjoying an afternoon in Brewdog with my mates & had ago on the Attack from Mars game. It's a great game, but hard.
one thing puzzled me, I noticed the bubble level on the Game was near the top? I've got my Scared stiff bubble set ALOT lower (as per manual) I am a Noob
So have I setup my machine wrong all these years?? lol
The tip of the bubble should be just touching the thicker line towards the middle of the bubble. No idea why they did it like this. But if the bubble vial is broken it often appears wrong. If the machine is set steeper then the game is harder and probably gives less replays and less game time. Ideal for on site, but at home set it how you like it.
The bubble is a quick guide but if you want to be more precise then you need to measure the actual slope of the playfield (I have a digital measure - not expensive and Phone apps do the same job) and obviously it also needs to be level in the horizontal plane. Within reason it's up to you how you want the game to play and a clean/polished playfield is going to be faster/truer than a dirty one! The norm for Williams WPC and Stern solid state games is 6.5 degrees of slope - check out the PAPA website for background on game set up; it's pretty straightforward.

I went in yesterday was it the tiny separated bubble that had confused you ?
Looks fine to me and the GC at 31 billion can smash my high score. AFM does benefit from being steep due to the ramp around the back of the saucer. It was playing great but still only managed 2.5 Bil !
That 31B game was mine. For some reason the flipper buttons didn’t work when I tried putting in my initials, hence the reason that it just says A. In my opinion it plays really nicely, it’s always a treat to come and play the games. In fact me and my Mrs actually came to play the games for about an hour after we got married! She’s a good egg
Probably the 2nd opto on the flipper button gone I’ll look into it next time I’m over it would affect the video mode and name input
first I’ve heard of it
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