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Bigfoots arms


Site Supporter
10 Years
Feb 10, 2012
Guys any suggestions on what to glue Mr B Foots left arm on with? Ive tried hot glue, and araldite so far, but he loves to divert that ball and eventually his fur and hand part company.

It sounds like there is not enough material. It should not bottom out when Bigfoot dirverts the ball. If it does then this is what is ripping his arm off.

You need to glue his arm so it is not at full strech when he dirverts the ball to the whirlpool.

I used mitre mate (two part super glue and have had no issues) Having said that I now have Bumble in place of Bigfoot.[attachment=937:White WH20 005.jpg]
Cheers Daz, will check Mr Foots reach. My mate has mitre mate, might make my mate mend my mate with his mitre mate, mate.
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