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Big Lebowski gameplay

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jono Sandilands
  • Start date Start date
Me too...
It's a great theme (but I'm also a fan) Really looking forward to having a go. For now I will just watch the film again
It looks ok to me as an early version. Lots of shots, colour, music, upper PF like Elvis. I look forward to playing a finished version.
No. Had high hopes, even considering it as my first NIB, big fan of film ..... but boy does this look *dull* :(

Just hope it's more fun than this vid makes it look.

Agreed. The bowling looks like it could become a chore and it all looks quite 'standard' - not lots of interesting shots.... Comparing this to the (admittedly unfinished) Alien layout and at this early stage it looks like Alien could have a bit more to give. Long way off from being really able to tell mind!
Wow, wow and wow!
Just read the thread on pinside. What a week for the bursting of the pre-order model.
Phil has spilled the beans and it ain't good:confused:
Houston we have a problem [emoji32] the post reads like a messy divorce ! I'm saddened that it's now out in the public domain, this doesn't help the hobby/industry in my view

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It's a real popcorn thread - pages and pages!
And there next pin was Back to the Future:)
Hope it gets done but seems unlikely now.
Who needs soap operas when you've got the crazy world of pinball manufacturing :confused:

Was BTTF going to be a new pin or another kit like BoP2?
I read the 'readers digest version' which was just the posts by Phil, and that took ages by itself. I wonder why these guys ignore the legalities. Shame. Here's hoping it all still comes off
I read the 'readers digest version' which was just the posts by Phil, and that took ages by itself. I wonder why these guys ignore the legalities. Shame. Here's hoping it all still comes off

Reading the readers digest version now it looks like the FBI is getting involved soon... This is looking less like "licensing issues" and more like a progression to out-and-out criminal activity.
the papa gameplay video looked... borin? i dunno. it left me flat. left ramp seemed too narrow/hard to hit and nothing else going on. I guess I expected more (gameplay wise, not talking about LEDs or display)...
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