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Best sack truck?


Sep 22, 2016
West Dorset
I need a new sack truck. What are you dudes using? It needs to be no wider than 570mm at the wheels. Cheers all, stay well etc!
One word, Magliner.
Not cheap but the best. You can custom build to your exact requirements.
+1 replicas I had two costco/cheapo trucks and the bearings never last, esp if you are moving JJP or WPC WIdebodys.

Magliner and boom. Looks pricey but its not really as it will last forever but depends on how much you use it.
Magliner with sliders
Wedge mods make the lean back all that much easier
Probably 10x the price of average....but if you use it regularly easily more than 10x better
I also have the Cosco one but more importantly so does Martin, enough said.
Great stuff. I think being the budget friendly type of guy that I am and the fact I only move pins every so often (depending on how bored I get of them!) I'll go with that Cosco one. Looks solid enough and it'll save me using my old truck or worse still, carrying a game into my house. Did this with a Baywatch once and I'm not sure our backs ever recovered. Couldn't have chosen a lighter game to lug in!
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