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Best in show


Site Supporter
Oct 22, 2015
As was announced last year at pinfest , this year we are looking for your votes on the best pinball in show and also the best refurb pin in the show .
You will be given a voting slip when you arrive which you can then deposit in the voting box at front desk . This will be anonymous and votes will be counted at the finish on the Saturday night to be awarded on tne Sunday - along with the other awards on the Sunday at 1pm .
We had much discussion about possible different awards that could be given but decided to keep it simple to start with .
In the past , there has been a set of different judges each year and it has always been a very hard and sometimes very close decision. Hopefully this year will be easier letting the pinheads attending decide . One voting slip will be given to each person arriving for the show . Good luck and remember to cast your vote 😀 any questions , please let me know
Just a wee reminder that this year , we would like your vote for the best in show and the best refurb in show . When you arrive at pinfest , you will be given a leaflet which will have info about the show and timetable etc but also a cut of/ tear off bit to it your vote / the box will be on the front reception desk and voting will close at midnight on the Saturday / the winners will be announced on the Sunday at 1 pm in front of the stage along with hall of fame winners .
We might include more categories next year but will see how this year goes . Everyone that attends is allowed a vote 😀
No idea, I missed the chance to vote, however the best refurb, was cyber punk by far, that pin was simply amazing! It also played great, the art work was superb, next level restoration
Cyber punk looks great from the shop log.
No idea, I missed the chance to vote, however the best refurb, was cyber punk by far, that pin was simply amazing! It also played great, the art work was superb, next level restoration
I missed the vote too 😔 went to post my vote this morning but too late.

However would cyber punk be in the category for a “refurbished” machine?
As it was a re themed pin. In my mind I’d have classed it in the best of show category?
Cyberpunk came second by 5 or 6 votes. Category wasn't a great fit but it was the closest that represented the work me and Holly put into it.

Irony was I had about 15 odd people had come up to me to congratulate me on the game, when I asked if they had voted they didn't even realise there was a vote. Some had went to vote today not realising votes had cut off on Saturday night.

It's not all a great loss David Fix approached Holly and said what amazing art she did and handed her his card.

So we won in other ways. 😃
Cyberpunk came second by 5 or 6 votes. Category wasn't a great fit but it was the closest that represented the work me and Holly put into it.

Irony was I had about 15 odd people had come up to me to congratulate me on the game, when I asked if they had voted they didn't even realise there was a vote. Some had went to vote today not realising votes had cut off on Saturday night.

It's not all a great loss David Fix approached Holly and said what amazing art she did and handed her his card.

So we won in other ways. 😃
Perhaps going forward. A small note stuck to the head of the machine with "Vote for this machine for best in xxxxx category" would help people with their voting.
Perhaps going forward. A small note stuck to the head of the machine with "Vote for this machine for best in xxxxx category" would help people with their voting.
There was, along with other info on the design / restoration
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Cyberpunk came second by 5 or 6 votes. Category wasn't a great fit but it was the closest that represented the work me and Holly put into it.

Irony was I had about 15 odd people had come up to me to congratulate me on the game, when I asked if they had voted they didn't even realise there was a vote. Some had went to vote today not realising votes had cut off on Saturday night.

It's not all a great loss David Fix approached Holly and said what amazing art she did and handed her his card.

So we won in other ways. 😃
We thought Cyberpunk was the best resto.... and also didnt know about the voting cut off... so sorry..... you could have added +2.... we'll know next time...
Cyberpunk is in a different league to a minty restoration, it's basically a new game, pretty skilled and difficult to do.
Even finding the people to do the work would be tough.
Cut off was at 12 midnight so I could get to bed , count the votes and get up for kids comps in the morning ready for presentation at 1 pm . I pestered the life out of a lot of people handing out the leaflets and they were available at front desk plus info on this forum and posters . Loads of people were not interested in voting - just wanted some fun ., some forgot and A few newbies gave me their votes and said they voted for the one they had the most fun with , one vote made me laugh as they voted best in show - the right NBA 😀 - will post a picture of the votes I counted as it might be of interest to some . I am always interested in the best way to do this , I have used a panel , used one judge and this time used a voting system - people take such great pride in their pins , it can be upsetting if they don’t seem to be appreciated but our community also include those that love gottliebs, classics and EMs Etc .
Have been given a few suggestions for different categories and ways to improve the vote and will ask again next year for UK pinfest 2925 so get thinking 🧠
Thank you to everyone who did vote and I hope it added a different aspect for some as lots of questions were asked and answered .👍
The only improvement I'd suggest is that voting takes place once everyone has had a chance to explore, so maybe voting leaflets handed out on the Sunday with a quick walkaround and some volunteers?

Glad my vote made you chuckle 🤭

There were many many fantastic and deserved machines there of course, including that 'Arlham Globerunners'
These are my scribbled counting notes for your interest for the votes - please note it was after a long ladies final which finished just before midnight , and was on my birthday after I had a vodka - not many votes compared to the number of leaflets I handed out - most of the staff did not vote 😀


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I was discussing the category nominations with a few of the staff on the Sunday afternoon, I think for next year we need to pick/nominate machines for some of the categories (If we have more) and then have some form of label or placard to place on the top of the pin (thoughts needed for machines with toppers) saying which category they are nominated for.

There was a few people mentioning they werent sure what machines were classed as a refurb, so hopefully something like this would help, someone also mentioned to me they though the TZ was a repro, which says a lot about the level of the refurb done by Chris B.

Every machine at the show is eligible for Best in show.

I should point out that I voted for the NBA on the left, as per your notes. Definately not the NBA on the right, absolutely no way I would do that, I'm not crazy!

Did you lose on the right one?
These are my scribbled counting notes for your interest for the votes - please note it was after a long ladies final which finished just before midnight , and was on my birthday after I had a vodka - not many votes compared to the number of leaflets I handed out - most of the staff did not vote 😀
So who were the winners in the end?
That Harlem had awesome patina and the natural shabby chic from years of careful rubbing was out of this world
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