First of all thanks very much for your opinions on the lane guides. For a moment I quite liked the alternate idea from
@Judderman but on trying it, just didn’t look right. Interestingly no one went for the original games guide colour of solid white. The most votes went for transparent red. (Which also happened to be my favourite choice.) when the solid reds are lit they just look to orange. Transparent red with twin smd comets looked the best.
So onto pimping the playfield. As this game is so psychedelic thought I could get away with some over the top modding. Nothing to tasteless or o.t.t. Of course!

The first thing we did was to install clear targets to replace the standard solid yellows. Clear blue for the “spa” target, and clear red for the “futurity” target at the top of the multiplier bank. Two additional g.i. lamps were mounted underneath the playfield to illuminate the two targets the effect is good but difficult to capture on my iPad with the current light conditions.
The next thing was to fit new clear posts and some post led’s. The posts were kept red at the lane guides as the clear posts/red guides just don’t mix in our opinions. But all the others were swapped out for clears. Lamp post LED’s were used in the slingshots.
Next we rebuilt the five pop bumpers with all new parts. Fitted pink clear skirts on the top set, and purple clear skirts on the lower 2 bumpers. Dual facing LED’s were used in the pop’s to illuminate the bodies and throw some light on the centre of the playfield. This looks really sweet.
New spinners were then fitted. For all you geeks out there. (I know, pretty rare thing in the pinballverse

). All the leds in the g.i. circuit
Pull 2.1 amps. Here’s some pictures of the playfield so far.....

Clear Titan rubbers have also been fitted. With clear rubber nuts for the plastics. As you can see in the pictures half the plastics are missing!
This is because no one ever has reproduced future spa plastics so I have sent them off to
@Colywobbles to make us up a set of protectors.
Next up is to rebuild the flippers with new mechs and eos switches. But not for a while as I am off to sunny Cornwall for a couple of weeks

Ciao fer now Keef. Oh and feel free to comment on the pimps so far or any ideas / things that you think would be cool...........