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Bad temper night.


10 Years
Aug 12, 2011
Picked up new legs, side rails and two lockdown bars off Phil at PH today for doing up my TOTAN (with a lockdown for spare).

Thought would be an easy night putting finishing touches to it....

i) Wierdly, the new lockdown bars are slightly wider sticking out about 5mm either side. No big deal but will bug a fussy git like me.

ii) Unscrewed first leg bolt, cross-threaded and broke off leaving partial bolt in the bracket. Took ages for me and a neighbour to get it out with mole grips. New bolt de-threaded and had to use nut other side to hold.

iii) The person who put previous faded gold side rails on used double-sided gaffa tape. Bloody mess underneath, decided to leave this crap on for second rail as relatively smooth and when positioning new rail to line up the bolt, it stuck fast and hard. Couldn't get it back off to line up the hole properly and the side rail bent to the shape of a boomarang.

MmmmmmmrrrrgggghhhhhHHHH !!!!! :mad: F*** was I mad. Phil is kindly selling me a single replacement for me to pick up tomorrow. Very nearly considered his gold set, thank **** I didn't.

Not a great night but trust you guys have had worse.... ? Share and make me feel better. :p
Sorry to hear your pain John.
And there was I thinking you had turned the corner and bad luck was all behind you.
Just think you will be laughing about this next week.
Sounds a nightmare John. I've noticed these repro lockdown bars are are bit wider and it bugs me too.

I've fitted a load of side rails now and found the best technique is to cut the backing paper on the new double-sided tape in the center of the rail and peel down 6 inches on each side so that it's sticking out the bottom.
Next offer up the rail to the cabinet at a 45% angle so that you can put the small bolt through the end and pop the nut on to keep it in place. Lower the rail so it lines up with the cabinet, check it's in the right place at the far end where it sits under the backbox and press it in place just in the centre where you've removed the backing paper. Now you can double check it's aligned, and then grab each end of the backing paper ends that are hanging down in the middle of the rail and slowly pull them down in one steady motion to avoid tearing them. Once off you can press the rail along it's length to stick to the cabinet.
My Fish Tales just started resetting at random. I think the neighbours 5 doors down heard my "Nooooooooooo!"...

Probably a lot cheaper and easier to fix than your problems, but I feel for you mate :)

Cheers all and thanks for the tip Steve. Picked up a new rail today and fitted it fine, bit by bit from the front rather than all at once. Looks nice and original now. A couple of new post rubbers for the lamp and all done. :)

Daz, may let you (or Luke) apply those nice polished ones to Indy Jones. I ain't touching any more !
My Fish Tales just started resetting at random. I think the neighbours 5 doors down heard my "Nooooooooooo!"...

Power driver board connectors - 1st thing to try. Had same with ToM and went round in circles for weeks before pin-pointing which connector was doing it .
Cheers all and thanks for the tip Steve. Picked up a new rail today and fitted it fine, bit by bit from the front rather than all at once. Looks nice and original now. A couple of new post rubbers for the lamp and all done. :)

Daz, may let you (or Luke) apply those nice polished ones to Indy Jones. I ain't touching any more !
No worries buddy
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